And, indeed, it was a better future than what had awaited us previously. After all, it wasn’t as though I had to look to the future and see a bleak horizon of death stretching before us. Now it was going to be filled with uncertainty and adventure, it was going to be something to be enjoyed and savored and if that meant another man had to become a part of our relationship then so be it. It was a small price to pay.

We clasped arms and hugged, making a silent, solemn vow to protect Ava and care for her. It was just as solemn as the vows I had taken for her as well as the ones that she and Mika would take for each other.

And once that had been done it was time for the lions to return to their ancestral home of Orestes.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


We had gathered the lions together. This time they did not see the sun as an enemy, but as a victim, for they could escape while the sun had to remain here to die. The planet would crumble into dust long after they had left. It was a victory, but there was a solemnity about the mood as well, just as when one won a fight against a great beast. I was glad things had been settled between Ava, Lanas and I, and I was looking forward to returning home and announcing my plans for the future. After meeting Ava I felt as though I had more courage in life and more drive. I had a better idea of what the future was going to look like, and I was glad that my life was finally beginning to take shape.

So far Ava had only learned to take people between worlds while she was touching them. The more people she took, the bigger the strain would be on her as well, which increased the chance that something might go wrong. As a result I warned her against trying to take the entire pride with her at the beginning. At first it would be sensible to return to Orestes and tell my parents what I had decided. She agreed to this, and her pride were able to see the sense of it themselves. It was easier to brook this delay when they knew that she would be returning as soon as possible to bring them all back.

So, once again Ava placed her hands upon me and Lanas and we went hurtling through the universe. Now that she had seen Orestes she had a better sense of accuracy and we emerged from the portal at the bottom of the tower. I staggered away, having to shake the nausea from my mind as my feet were on solid ground again.

“You’re really going to have to work on your smoothness, otherwise when your lions arrive they’re going to throw up their stomachs,” I said. Ava just laughed. She didn’t seem to be bothered at all.

We entered the tower and ascended to the throne room where my parents were waiting for us.

“Ah, you have returned,” Naaro said. Mom gave me a smile.

“I have indeed,” I replied.

“And have you come to a decisions?” Naaro asked.

“I have.” My mouth had turned surprisingly dry now that I was standing before them, having to dictate to them my choice. I was still afraid of making the wrong decision, even though I knew it wasn’t wrong. Why was I so afraid of always being less than I thought they wanted of me?

“Well, speak your mind,” Naaro said.

I stepped forward and composed my thoughts, clasping my hands together. I knew that they wanted me to justify my decision as well and show the thought that had gone into it. “I went to their world and I saw the conditions in which they live. Ava was not lying when she spoke of the struggles they have been through. The lions there do not live as we live. They spend all their time and energy on nothing more than the basics of survival, and as such they do not have rich lives. They take what enjoyment they can from things, but it is not enough and it is not fair. I would not wish this fate on any lion, and from what I can ascertain they are good people. All they want is a fair chance at life, a chance that our ancestors took away from them. I know that the ones who sent their ancestors there could not have foreseen this happening, but they are responsible nonetheless, and now we have a chance to make up for that mistake. We can make sure that they have food in abundance and the chance to hunt as lions should hunt. I know that they do not pose a threat to us. They do not want to conquer worlds. They do not want Orestes for themselves. There is not a sense of greed among them at all. In fact I believe that they have endured so much hardship that they have forgotten what it is like to want more than you deserve. All they want is the basics that are needed for survival, but I think we can give them more than that. They live on a dying planet, but they are not a dying people. They should be here, with us. Whatever crimes their ancestors committed have not been committed by these people, yet they have suffered more than their ancestors ever did. It is time to right this wrong and bring them home.

I hope that we can make room for them in Orestes, and I also hope that there will be help given in transporting them from their world to ours. There will also need to be healers on hand and a great feast as many of them are malnourished. I have also been thinking about the future as well and what shape my life is going to take. I have been impressed with the way Ava has conducted herself and I can think of nobody better to stand by my side as I lead this pride. I believe she can make up for whatever shortfalls I may have, and together we can form a great team that will allow the glory of Orestes to shine. I have no doubt that our pride will be enriched by the presence of these other lions, and to turn them away would be short sighted and cruel.”

I took a deep breath after I spoke, somewhat amazed that I had managed to say all that without breaking down completely. My lips were trembling and my heart was weak, but I had said what I needed to say and now it was left to my parents to accept my decision or not. I expected them to think about it and deliberate the matter behind closed doors as it was a huge moment for the pride, but instead Naaro simply bowed his head.

“Let it be done,” he said.

“Is that it?” I asked.

Mom chuckled and smiled. “We trust your judgment Mika. This is what I’ve been trying to tell you. You might think that you’re not wise enough or strong enough to lead this pride, but nobody else shares this sentiment. We trust you. We know that you only want the best for the pride, and that you would not decide something that is going to bring woe to this place. Now we will do as you ask. Ava, Lanas, would you like to stay here while your people are fetched from your world?”

“I would like to go back and bring them myself. It will be quicker that way,” Ava said, and then she turned to Lanas. “I think you should stay here for the moment Lanas. Help them prepare the feast and the medicine for the sick. You do not need to come back and forth with me. It will be quicker for me to bring the others if you are already here. I can only carry so many.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll show you a few tricks,” Divad said, winking at her as he rose from his seat. With that settled we all had our jobs to do. It was time to get Orestes ready for the return of these lions.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


I almost couldn’t believe that it was actually happening. My lions were coming to a place of safety and refuge, a place that had lived so vividly in our imaginations that to think it real was akin to magic.

Before we left Orestes Divad told me a few ways to soothe my mind and help me make the transition a little easier. I also told him of my world so that he could picture it as well. He told me he had already read about it in the book.

He paused for a moment. “I want you to know that the lions of Orestes really couldn’t have foreseen this happening. I read the entry and at the time it was seen as something of a compassionate treatment. Giving the criminals this world of their own was seen as benevolent, rather than keeping them caged or exiling them to the wilderness. I’m sure if they had known that something like this would happen then they would have chosen something entirely different. I’m just glad that you managed to find us so that we can bring all of you home.”

I nodded and then we made our way back home. I saw on Divad’s eyes the same expression that I had witnessed in Mika’s. It was as though seeing our plight was the only true way for them to sympathize with us. I thought perhaps this whole matter would have been dealt with more quickly had I just brought them back here in the first place. Perhaps during my combat with Naaro I should have brought him here so that he could have seen things for himself. At the time I was only thinking about the fight though. I realized I had a lot to learn. Mika showed me that there was more to being a leader than being strong. I would have to learn temperance and wisdom from him. I knew that we could teach each other many lessons.

I gathered the lions together. They had already brought the sick and wounded to be transported. I warned them that the ride might well be bumpy. I watched Divad as he stretched out his arms and the air shimmered around him, rippling like water. It was a much gentler, calmer thing than what I was doing. The aura spread out from him and seemed to envelop those around him. In an instant they were gone. There was a hushed gasp from the people around us, many of whom were seeing this miracle for the first time.