“Where’s Mika?” I asked.

“The people had lots of questions for him about Orestes. I thought it would be good for them to learn about the land they are going to inhabit.”

“So he agreed then.”

“Yes, he agreed,” she smiled. “In truth I don’t think it was ever in doubt. I wanted to thank you, Lanas, for all you have done.”

I frowned. “I have not done anything Lioness.”

“Haven’t you? You trusted me when nobody else did. You supported me and stood by me. You watched over me when I was healing, and then you returned here and introduced Mika to this world and you showed him what it truly means. You are as much a savior of our people as I am.”

I shook my head, thinking that she was joking, but there was an earnest look in her eyes.

She continued, “There is a matter that I must talk to you about. Mika brought up an… interesting possibility. He wants me to stand beside him when we return to Orestes and eventually rule the pride with him.”

“I see,” I stiffened. I somehow knew this might happen. “I suppose it’s only right that leaders should mate with leaders.”

“There is more to life than sense. There is what feels right too. I do not wish to lose you Lanas. Mika suggested the possibility of us forming a trio of love, which apparently has become quite the custom among his people. It occurred to me that should we live in Orestes then perhaps we should make ourselves familiar with their traditions too. He said that he wants to speak with you before a final decision is made. You should go and find him, if this seems like it could be something you might enjoy.”

“And if I don’t?”

Ava walked towards me and cupped my cheeks. She looked deep into my eyes as she spoke. “You are my mate Lanas. Nothing will ever change that.” She then kissed me so deeply and so firmly that the kiss ran right down into my soul and made my toes curl. It was the kind of kiss that reminded me that she was indeed the Lioness, and that I had been chosen for her.


I found Mika standing amid other people. There was a queue of them all waiting to ask him question after question about Orestes. Many of them were the same, but he answered them with thoughtfulness and gave everyone their due attention. Eventually the crowd thinned and I was able to approach him. We walked away to a shadowed recess so that we would not be interrupted.

“How is your mother?” he asked. I was surprised by his compassion.

“I am not sure she has much time left. She is speaking as though the shadow of death is passing over her. I’m not quite sure how to feel at the moment. Is there anything that can be done in Orestes?”

“I will make sure the healers look at her. If there is anything that can be done, then it will be done. That goes for everyone here who is also sick,” he said.

Silence fell between us. I wasn’t sure which one of us should speak first. In the end our words butted against each other.

“Ava told me of your proposal,” I said.

He nodded. “I know that you two are close. I don’t wish to tread on anyone’s toes, but she is a formidable woman. She has stoked a flame in my heart that will never go out. When I saw the way she walked into Orestes with such confidence and courage my breath was taken from me.”

“Yes, she tends to have that effect,” I replied with a half smile.

“She is like no other. I could not stand by and not make my feelings known.”

“I understand.”

“But she explained to you the full details of my proposal? I do not wish to cause any disruption, and I do not wish to make you feel as though I am taking liberties purely because I am from Orestes.”

“What would this mean for me, and for us?”

He smirked. “Well, I’m sure you can agree with me that she is more than enough for two men to handle,” I chuckled at this. It helped to ease the tension. “I hope that we could love her as equals, not as rivals. I would want us all to help each other and support each other, especially with the children. I have seen how this type of relationship can work. It worked for my grandparents and my parents, and while I know each leader should put their own mark on the pride I feel as though it would be unwise to change this type of tradition. But in truth Lanas I have always known that I would never be able to do this by myself. I have struggled with finding my place in the world and commanding the respect of the other lions. I cannot do this on my own, but with you and Ava by my side I am sure that we could lead the pride into a fine future. You two have been through struggles that I cannot comprehend, and these are qualities that I would like to embrace. I hope that we could all work together to create a better future for ourselves. And the other thing is that I have only known what it is to be alone. I have never had a brother or even a friend that is just as close as a brother. It’s something I have always wished for, and I thought perhaps such a relationship might develop between us if we are already united in our appreciation for Ava.”

His words were earnest. At first I thought of him as a prig of a man, dull and empty, but actually what I had mistaken for weakness was the type of strength that had not been allowed to flourish in our world. Our strength was all hard and brittle. It had to be, because life was unforgiving. His strength was the quiet type, the gentle type, and perhaps that was something that he would be able to offer Ava that I never would. When I thought of the future I could see us raising children together, and to be with them would allow me a say in the decisions of the pride. I would be more than Ava’s mate, and it would also allow me the opportunity to have a friend as well in Mika.

I too had been an only child. There was not a great deal of longing to make friends in this world as we grew up, for we all knew that any relationship might well end abruptly.

“I believe that it would be good for the Lioness and the pride. I have always sworn that I would do anything for her, and this matter is no different. I also think it would be good considering that she often has a strong mind and it would be easier for the two of us to dissuade her than if we tried to do the same thing by ourselves.”

He laughed at this and we nodded. We met each other’s eyes. The truth is that I had always known that I might have to share the Lioness. After all, she could do whatever she wanted and take however many mates she desired. I had hoped that perhaps I would be enough for her, but no one man would be enough for a woman like her. At least with Mika I would know that both her lovers had nothing but admiration and devotion to her, and I thought that we would be able to work together and create a bond between us that would serve everyone well.