Two kids, a boy at least five years old and a girl, still a toddler, played a game of... something where they basically just ran around the room, jumped over the furniture and then hid from invisible monsters while yelling unintelligible words.

At that point, a baby started to cry. The woman walked over to the crib in the living room and handed her a bundle wrapped in a blanket with only a pair of rosy cheeks and big brown eyes peeking out from under it.

Holding the baby as if it were contaminated, she handed it over to Dakota, who pretty much held the kid the same way.


She had no idea what to do with it.

The baby girl, probably about six months old or so, stared at her as if Dakota were an alien.

Okay, then.

It looked as if they were both going to cry, but only Dakota had a valid reason because she had no idea what in the hell was happening.

The other two kids stopped running around like miniature maniacs and stood around her. They stared up at her with curious looks on their faces.

Dakota eyed them back. Could they be trusted? She had no freaking idea. Who were they?

Then a realization hit her like a ton of bricks. They were married. Or at least one of them was married, and the stunning woman was one of their wives. And these were their children.

She felt horrible for thinking about them in the first place, boldly assuming they were single when they were the direct opposite. If they were not married, then they were certainly in relationships with other women, which meant they were off limits even in her thoughts.

Men like them didn’t look at girls like her because they had women like the one standing before her to take to their beds.

It was a good thing she had presumed their statuses and been soundly proved wrong. That way, it was easier for her to wipe them from her mind completely and concentrate only on the task at hand.

Get the diamond. Get out. How though… remained to be seen. But she was doubly determined now to reclaim her life. This could be the last hurdle she ever had to face. Damn it to hell, but her life needed to start cutting her some slack.

"You do have a way with them," the woman said, sanitizing her hands.

Well, that would be overstating things; right now, she was still standing in the middle of a living room, holding a baby as far away from her body as she could while two other kids continued to analyze her, to what end she had no idea.

"What did you say happened to your car... I’ll just call you nanny if you don’t mind. The agency just said they would send over an emergency nanny right away, so I don’t know your details. We have a huge takeover meeting this morning so the men can’t be distracted with these kids."



"Your car?"


As in a person employed to take care of a child in the child’s home.

Did she mean that kind of nanny?

Was there any other kind of nanny?

Think, Dakota, think.

"I needed the exercise," she blurted. "I have to be super fit to, er… be a nanny with children."

The woman looked at her weirdly but nodded, nonetheless.

"Is that how you’re supposed to hold them?" she asked, gesturing to the baby Dakota still held midair. "I mean, you’re the expert," she added, shrugging.

Oh, fuck on a hot fudge Sunday.