One thing was certain—she couldn’t involve them. She had to come clean with Jones. And tell him they had nothing to do with it. It was all her fault. And she would get the diamond back, but they didn’t have to know about it.

She called the nanny agency and pleaded with Aunt Sally, who finally believed her. But the woman could only be there in the early hours of the evening.

Dakota then called Raven and asked her to come and watch the kids so she could go to the casino.

An hour later, dressed in another sleek gown, but instead of red hair, she arrived in Jones’ office in her natural tresses.

If Jones knew they had the real diamond, she shuddered to think what he would do to them. She had to keep them safe. She had to make sure they stayed safe.

She hated that she now knew them so intimately. They changed everything, and now she was never going to see them again.

While they all shared that unique alpha male dominance, it was Michael who wore his more openly. It explained why she found herself automatically obeying his orders while her body sizzled as if she had walked over a thousand flames.

Preston had all the patience in the world. The sound of his voice as he explained something as innocent as how planes work caused her to experience a full erotic seduction of every part of her body.

Zachary had the ability to make her do things she didn’t think she was capable of doing. Naughty things. He made her feel safe while taking her to the edge of everything.

She had fallen so hopelessly in love with the three dads that there was no going back for her.

Which meant nothing.

She wasn’t going to see them again.

Jones was in a frenzy, but not because of his diamond. Apparently he had some Middle Eastern royalty, a few oil barons, and two celebrities arriving for a poker match, where their buy-in was so ridiculous, with a share for the house he could retire on, that he couldn’t contain himself.

He wanted Dakota there because he thought she was his best girl.

And then the moment arrived. He decided that the presence of his diamond would make him seem more powerful.

This was it. This was where she was going to die.

Jones first looked at the gem with glee, but as he inspected it like he always did before a private poker game, his glee turned into a frightening howl.

"You," he screamed at her, charging toward her, ready to strangle her.

But someone popped their head into his office to tell him his high-powered guests had arrived.

Conflicted, Jones grabbed her arm, bruising her badly as he threatened to deal with her later.

Pulling herself together, Dakota then put her hand around Jones’ arm as was usual, and they walked into the room where the high-stakes poker match was going to take place.

She remained entirely numb.

She hadn’t even told them she loved them.

With her heart and soul and body and mind.

But what they both saw stunned them.

Instead of the guests' Jones was expecting, he found three men, whom he recognized instantly.

Dakota couldn’t stop shaking at the sight of them. They were as magnificent as ever. Dressed in their pristine suits, with an ensemble of sophistication, power, and danger, they drowned out everything around them.

They were the real kings of the world.

But by the way they clenched their jaws and didn’t bother to look at her, they told her everything yet again.

They were fuming mad at her.