She also had no idea what she was doing, but the moment she laid eyes on them at Jones’ casino, she thought her life had changed, but she didn’t expect this.

She didn’t expect that she would give them her virginity.

Oh god, what had she done?

Chapter Fifteen

If it wasn’t bad luck out to get her, then she was adding colossal-sized complications to the shit pile.

Somehow or another, they had recognized her and knew she was the girl from Jones’ casino. They had seen her through her fake red hair and beyond the lace mask, which meant they had looked at her, contrary to what she believed.

She didn’t know what to make of that.

"I do work for Albert Moses Jones at his casino. But he doesn’t even know I’m here. He thinks I'm home sick. This has nothing to do with him. Believe me."

That had been her answer. It was entirely untrue. It had everything to do with him, but he just didn’t know it yet, and if so, then did anyone else need to know that?

Still, after last night, she continued to wonder what on earth she was doing. That wasn't enough to keep her from replaying the entire night in vivid detail, with every orgasm, growl, and thrust so deep inside her body that she became addicted to the sensation.

They told her she was theirs. They instructed her to go on the pill. They had taken her twice more during the night and then bathed her clean again before they finally carried her back to her room in the early hours of the morning.

But in reality, she shouldn’t have done what she’d done. She should have left, walked out the door, and never looked back. Except that was the most difficult option she'd ever faced. So she hadn’t. She hadn’t left. She hadn’t run.

Now, as she sat down to breakfast with the extremely animated Lucas, Charlie, and even baby Daisy, she couldn’t help but smile at them.

In the short time she had known them, they made everything a bit better, despite her world crumbling around her ears.

She just had no idea how bad things actually were at that point until Raven called her a little before lunch.

Dakota bit her lip as she paced the floor of the living room. The kids were down for a nap, and her world was about to implode.

Raven had told her that Jones had come around looking for her. Raven had intercepted him to tell him she was sick. He’d insisted on seeing her. She had then told him Dakota was at the doctor's.

He left Raven with a message for her. There was a big private poker game that afternoon, and he expected her to show up, sick or not, or heads were going to roll.

Crawling into a corner and never coming out was not an option.

Dakota had convinced herself that Jones knew about the diamond. Raven told her she didn’t think he knew, because if he did, she would have been found already. Raven was right, and Dakota had to agree.

But if he hadn’t yet, he would this afternoon because he inspected his diamond before every private match.

So either way, she was screwed.

How long would it take for Jones to realize what had happened? He’d automatically think that Michael, Preston, and Zachary were in on it too.

Dakota felt herself go pale as all her blood turned ice-cold.

What had she been thinking?

By coming to their house to steal the diamond, she had unwittingly made them a target. And the kids too.


That wasn’t going to happen.

She put the kids down for a nap after tiring the heck out of them, then spent every minute searching for the diamond and came up empty-handed.

She found a safe, but she couldn’t crack the code. She needed more time. A day at least. She had a friend, or rather an acquaintance, who knew how to crack safes and who might have helped her. But it was all too late now.