When she faced them again, her eyes were glittering with tears. Her cheeks were already soaked, and her lips quivered in defeat.

The sight of her destroyed every cell in their bodies.

They knew why she was so upset, and it wasn’t because of the spanking.

If she only knew that they planned to do much dirtier, savage things to her than her just coming on his lap.

She was now theirs.

It was time she knew it and accepted it.

But there was one thing they needed some clarity on, not that it would make any difference to what they wanted to do to her.

"Are you working for Jones? Did he send you here?"

Her eyes glowed with surprise.

"I do work for Albert Moses Jones at his casino. But he doesn’t even know I’m here. He thinks I'm home sick. This has nothing to do with him. Believe me."

They did believe her. She wasn't here on Jones' orders.

That was all they needed to know.

Everything else would be handled later.

Chapter Fourteen

Dakota had no idea why she turned around. Maybe it was the sheer authority in Michael’s tone, but she really wished they hadn’t seen her looking so pathetic.

She had barely sucked up enough of her tears so she could come up with a smart comeback to her public humiliation of coming all over Michael’s lap when all three of them charged toward her.

For a moment she felt absolutely tiny, certain they would topple her over once they reached her.

But instead of being floored, her body was crushed against theirs.

They surrounded her. Lips took turns capturing hers. Hard, calloused hands drifted all over her body as she was stripped of her dress in a heartbeat.

Zachary, standing behind her, left tiny bite marks down the side of her neck.

Preston did the same to the other side of her neck, exposing her nipple by pulling down her bra's soft, worn lace. His thumb stroked her peak with a maddening rhythm, and she moaned out loud.

Michael lowered his head and engulfed the nipple on her other breast, straining against the lace, into his mouth. He sucked until he’d soaked through the cup of her bra, and lava replaced the blood running through her veins.

Her knees gave up. Her spine just melted, and without the three men holding her up, she’d have slumped to the floor in a very unladylike fashion.

She couldn’t think straight. Every time some reasonable thought or question popped into her mind, they kissed her again, and nothing else mattered.

"Ours," Zachary growled.

Her bra was unsnapped, and her panties peeled off her legs.

Naked, Preston scooped her up and carried her to the big bed that was in the room.

Zachary dragged a high, firm cushion to the lower part of the bed, and Preston placed her down so that her backside rested on the cushions, raising the lower part of her body.

When Michael parted her thighs as wide as they could go, her first instinct was to try and close her legs as a tidal wave of shyness swallowed her up.

Her action cost her a smack to her inner thigh and three male growls directed at her.