She had never been so miserable in her whole life. Sitting in a puddle of wetness that threatened to saturate her shorts was not her idea of a good time.

Despite her stubbornness to look everywhere else but at them, she couldn’t completely ignore them.

They had removed their jackets and ties and rolled up their sleeves to reveal the heavily corded muscles in their forearms, further complemented by their massive hands.

The scent of their cologne still lingered in the air around her. Despite her best efforts, their presence still made her quiver and feel weak.

After dinner and after she had bathed the three kids with their help and put them to bed, she was shown a room bigger than both her whole apartment and Raven’s put together.

The bed looked absolutely magnificent, but she dragged herself to the shower, and then, slipping into a long, loose T-shirt, she dove beneath the covers.


Instinctively, she woke earlier than she had ever done in her life without the aid of an alarm.

She had leveled up on the responsibility chart because the first thought when her eyes opened was to check on the children.

By the second evening, they were beginning to form a pattern, and she didn’t know how she felt about it, or the fact that she found herself missing their presence while they were at their office, churning out another billionaire by clicking their fingertips.

Another day had passed, giving her two nights off from work and away from her apartment.

She had to start looking for that diamond.

Time was running out for her.

But each night she went to bed, the wetness on the folds of her pussy which could not be washed away with her shower, remained her constant company for the duration of the night.

Stupid, Dakota.

This was all because she was still a damn virgin. Show her three super gorgeous men and her pussy quaked in awe.

She imagined them laughing at her naivety for thinking they would even look at her twice... unless she was dripping in alcohol or covered in paint.

She had to go back to her own world.

And then she was going to lose her virginity to the first guy she met.

Chapter Nine

While they had decided they were not going to fuck the new nanny, they went to bed each night with a set of blue balls that fucking killed them.

And made them grumpy as hell.

They had two days to start looking for a permanent nanny. They’d then blamed the takeover for sucking up their time, but the truth was they weren’t ready to let her go.

They seemed to enjoy torturing themselves when they made her eat with them, then totally fucking obliterated their senses when they insisted they help with bathing the kids.

Bumping into her, inhaling her sweet, innocent scent, drowning in her utterly gloriously curved body, and being unable to touch her, drove them over the edge.

It didn’t even matter what the fuck she wore. Last night they had come home to find her in a long summer dress that reached her ankles, but that seemed to only draw them to her more. No amount of clothing seemed to be able to conceal her body from them.

Michael had lost count of the number of times between the three of them when they had thought of scooping her up from her bed in the middle of the night and bringing her into theirs, where they planned to ravish every part of her like cavemen.

She possessed the ability to make them lose control, where they would only be happy when she was covered in their cum, inside her body, all over her stunning soft full breasts, and dripping from her luscious plump lips.

Still, it wouldn’t be enough, not until all three of their cocks were deep inside her, sharing her pussy and asshole amongst the three of them.
