She nodded awkwardly, then straightened her shoulders. She needed to not be so flustered.

"Anything else we should know?" Michael asked as Daisy seemed to want to climb inside him; she was so excited. He drew her gaze to him, then left her to drown in the dark gray depths of his eyes, but not before his commanding attention stripped her bare of every stitch of clothing she wore.

She swallowed and shook her head again. What became of her voice? Her words? Her everything? She had a laundry list of things she wanted to tell them, but her mind blanked.

"Mommy said you are Daddy Zach, and you are Daddy Michael," she pointed to Michael, "and you are Daddy Preston. I’m the luckiest girl in the whole world, mommy said. I have three," she lifted her hand, and tried to keep only three fingers up, "I have three daddies." She then craned her neck to look up at each of their six-foot-three inches in height. She then took Zachary’s hand and dragged him to stand in front of Dakota.

"I made you a star. That one is yours, Daddy Zach."

Oh no.

She had been trying to listen to both Charlie and Lucas at the same time, but she vaguely heard Charlie say there were three stars for her three daddies. She had shown the number with her three fingers too.

"There’s your star, Daddy Zach. Take it," she said, pointing to a green one stuck on Dakota’s thigh and then pulling him down to his haunches before her. "Take it, Daddy Zach. It’s the green one. Mommy said you like green. And the blue one is for Daddy Preston, and the red one is for Daddy Michael. But they can take it later," she decreed.

Before Dakota could remove the green star for Daddy Zach, Daddy Zach reached out and peeled the sticker off of her thigh.

There was no way he couldn’t see her start to tremble the instant his fingers grazed her skin. He was so close to her, surely, he could feel her heat. He could see the hole he had burned into her skin with that fleeting touch.

He took his star and stuck it on his wrist, which pleased Charlie to no end. As a thank you, he kissed her on the cheek.

She… forgot everything as Zachary unfolded his tall lithe body.

"You hungry?" he asked, and she had to say a little prayer or risk melting right there and then. From Preston’s voice making her wet to Michael leaving her completely naked and then Zachary touching her, she felt as if she’d had some sort of mental, out-of-this-world orgasm.

What in the name of insanity was wrong with her?

Had she lost her ever-loving mind?

She really should have excused herself, gone to the bathroom, slapped herself into next Tuesday, and then un-orgasmed that mental orgasm she’d had because she was now just a downright embarrassment to herself.

They would be horrified if they knew she had used them as fantasy fodder.

Or worse, they would look at her with pity in their handsome faces for being such a silly girl.

That was enough for her to come to her senses.

She’d just be adding a world of unnecessary complications if she couldn’t keep her thoughts in her pants. She had been through this already.

She would always be the helper. Why couldn’t she grasp that fact long enough for it to stick?

Okay, it starts now.

She wasn’t going to wait around for Princess C to summon her two remaining subjects to come and peel their stickers off her thighs. She would quite literally die if any one of them touched her again.

End of story.

She walked up to Michael, swiped off the red star and stuck it onto his blinding white shirt. She did the same with the blue one for Preston.

"Your stars, courtesy Princess C." She had taken extra precautions to ensure she only touched them when absolutely necessary.

"And no thank you; I’m not hungry. But I would appreciate it if one of you would show me to the room I’m supposed to be sleeping in. I’ll be back after you’ve had dinner to bathe the kids and put them to bed."

She had read that one from an online article titled "A day in the life of a nanny."

It hadn’t even occurred to her that she would be responsible for bathing them as well.

They did not let her escape to her sleeping quarters, wherever that was. Instead, they instructed her to come to the kitchen, sit her butt down, and eat the steak they prepared with their helpers, Lucas and Charlie.