Her heart cracked in a hundred places, and silly tears started to prick her eyes.

She had no idea what to say, more so when the three men stood next to each other, their hands in their suit trouser pockets, legs braced as they scrutinized her.

She couldn’t shake the feeling that suspicion tinted their gazes as they looked at her.

Heat flooded her body.

She took a deep breath and told herself she was being paranoid. No one would be able to say the girl from last night in Jones’ casino was the same girl now.

Without a stitch of makeup to contour her cheekbones and compliment her nose, and sans her rich, sultry red hair, she looked like a normal, average person with an unmemorable face and, at best, a tepid personality.

Why would she even think that when they hadn’t even looked at her the night before? Not one single glance.

Still, the sooner she completed her task, the sooner she could go back to her old life.

"Who’s hungry?" she asked instead, pumping her voice with loads of enthusiasm as she looked down at the sweet little girl with her blond curls bobbing up and down.

If only little Princess Charlie knew she could barely look after herself properly, let alone three kids under the age of six, because if she did, she wouldn’t be in the mess she found herself in currently.

"Me. Me. Princess Charlie is hungry.

Dragon Slayer did nothing more than slip his hand into hers and wave goodbye to his new dads.

"I don’t want you to worry, Mr. Newman, Mr. Reyes, and Mr. West. The kids are going to be fine with me. We’re going to have lots of fun and play lots of games too."

She was going to hell for lying. She may be putting on a good show right now with her "I’m the best nanny in the world" spiel, but once they walked out the door and left her in charge, she wasn’t so sure hell would not break loose again, and upend itself all over her, all over again.

For her own sanity, she had to get out of there as quickly as possible. Mentally restraining her body from reacting to them every single second she was in their company had started to drain her.

For all her false bravado, her nipples ached so much she thought she was going to die if they weren’t touched. And the wetness between her thighs, evident when she was in the shower and had to rinse it away, was back again, clinging to the sudden puffiness of her folds, making her naked thighs slick with arousal.

That wasn’t their problem, though. It was hers. But good thing she was just the help, so she sucked it all back up again.

Chapter Seven

The luxury of exhaling a huge sigh of relief when the three men finally left was cruelly cut short when the doorbell rang throughout the entire house.

Her heart sank to her feet. Her hair, even the ones on her head, stood up straight as terror reigned throughout her whole body.

No. No. No.

This couldn’t be happening to her. Not after everything she had done to get to this point.

Surely Jones couldn’t have found her already.

The doorbell sounded again.

Frantically, she looked around at the kids, whose well-being depended solely on her now that she was their nanny. What was she going to do?

Okay. She’d hide them. Call their dads and tell them to come home right away, and then she’d have to go quietly with Jones.

"Aren’t you going to open the door?" Lucas asked, handing her a tablet.

Frowning and trembling and trying to come up with some excuse for why she was stalling, she took the tablet from him and nearly fell over her own two feet.

Standing on the doorstep, dressed in a blue long skirt and a white ruffled blouse with a shawl thrown over her shoulders, stood a woman whose kindness Dakota could feel straight from the screen as she looked up into the camera.

Her face broke into a big smile, lifting her rosy-red cheeks and reaching her eyes. Her short, gray-colored curls shimmered in the hot morning sunlight.