But more importantly, she needed them to leave. They had that meeting that they needed to attend, so the sooner they left, the sooner she could take a breath.

She didn’t bother looking at herself in the mirror. They had already seen her at her worst; nothing after that would matter.

She eyed her wet clothes and planned to deal with them later once she found a washing machine.

She was almost out the door in the robe and sandals when she remembered she needed to check the price of the vodka that Dragon Slayer had used on her to douse off the baby puke.

God, had that fiasco really happened?

She put the battery back in her phone and went online to search for the drink.

It didn’t take her long to find the name since the bottle was so unique. She almost swallowed her tongue when she saw the price.

Holy fuck.

Using the tip of her finger, she started to count the zeros and gave up in defeat.

Well, it served them right for not having their house kid-proofed. Also, the best she could do was get them a decent $20 bottle of vodka. It would have to do.

The words "don’t sleep with the help" rang in her head again and steered her on. Not that she wanted to sleep with them—she didn't—but it curbed any fanciful, silly notions of romance that would sneak into her brain when she wasn’t looking.

Tightening the belt of the robe around her waist, she fluffed her long, wet hair, picked up her handbag once more, and left the bathroom.

She had a diamond to find while moonlighting as a nanny.

Hopefully, they'd be leaving soon for their meeting, leaving her alone.

Walking with purpose and false confidence, she entered the living room to find the three dads, each with a kid.

Her heart skipped two beats at the sight. They appeared enormous in comparison to the little ones and to her, but the way they treated them was so gentle and tender that she was almost envious.

Okay, what the fuck, nope.

"Thank you for letting me use your robe. I’ll get my friend to bring me some clean clothes. Also… umm… the agency didn’t tell me how long you would need me?"

The agency? What agency? She was pulling things out of thin air, hoping to sound credible. For all she knew, it could be an agency called The Intergalactic Neon Alliance for Earthly Nannies. She hoped that wasn’t the agency’s name.

"It will only be until tomorrow," Michael said.

Crap. She needed at least a few days in this massive house to find the diamond.

"You’ll spend the night with them because we’re going to be home late. We plan to start interviewing permanent nannies by tomorrow."

Right. She didn’t know why she felt offended that they hadn’t asked her to interview for the permanent position herself.

Was she even listening to herself? She was a fake nanny. Did she really want to be a permanent fake nanny?

No. Because her life was hanging in the balance. Who knew whether Jones, with all his eccentricities, might decide to open his safe and stroke his diamond and then find the fake one instead?

She didn’t know what he did in his spare time. It was hard to tell the difference between the natural diamond and the lab generated one, but she couldn’t live on the hope that Jones could be perpetually fooled about the authenticity of the gem.

She had to replace that fake one with the real one as soon as possible.

"Okay then. I believe you have a big meeting to attend, and we four over here have some cleaning up to do."

Princess C ran to her and hugged her legs.

"Are you going to be our second mommy? Mommy said we were going to get a second mommy. Please be our second mommy. Don’t ever leave us," she pleaded. Dragon Slayer approached her as well, patiently staring at her while waiting for her to respond.