She had written them a long letter too, explaining herself and telling them why she was doing what she did.

Music had always been her life. But after her boyfriend left her, she wrote that she tried really hard to continue being a good mom to them, but she didn’t think she could do it for one more day without causing them emotional harm.

She also wasn’t taking "no" for an answer. She said she had been thinking about it since the day Lucas was born. She thought the more kids she had, the more like a mother she would feel, but the opposite happened.

She had the papers drawn up already, and it was just a matter of signing them.

They had called her immediately and tried to convince her otherwise, saying that she could go on her music tour and that they would take care of her kids until then, but that’s not what she wanted. She wasn’t coming back to New York. Ever.

For all her bohemian tendencies, Anna had always taken great care of her children. Also, there was nothing in the world they wouldn’t do for those kids, but being solely responsible for them for the rest of their lives didn’t quite go with their lifestyle, which was doing what they wanted to do when they wanted to do it. They didn’t know the first thing about taking care of them.

Plus, Anna’s timing couldn’t have been worse.

They were in the middle of a multi-billion-dollar global takeover that was beginning to turn ugly. They lived for the adrenaline of it all. The higher the stakes, the greater their interest. They loved nothing better than breaking down their enemies and taking all their money in the process.

That explains why, the night before, they sought out high-stakes poker games wherever they could find them in order to blow off some steam and how they ended up at Dominoes Casino.

They had no idea what was waiting for them on their doorstep while their worlds had been rocked when they first saw the stunning redhead, with her sweet, tight body and sultry perfume, at Jones' private poker game.

But everything had changed now.

The one thing they knew about Anna was that she never changed her mind. She took forever to make a decision, but when she did, it was set in stone. She wasn’t going to come back to New York. She wasn’t going to be a mother to her kids anymore.

That meant they had become instant dads.

They had called their PA, Marcia Granger, who had then decided to drop by that morning to arrange for an emergency nanny to help out until they had a chance to interview for someone more permanent.

Anna had also made arrangements for all the kids' clothes and toys to be sent over that morning as well.

They weren’t going to take any chances when it came to those kids. But while they were still trying to come to grips with the idea of being dads, the last thing they needed was a nanny, who was a whole other distraction as well.

But they had finally gotten hold of Anna again that same morning, which explained why they hadn’t been around when the nanny arrived. They were still trying to convince their foster sister to change her mind about them adopting her kids. She remained fixed on her decision.

Now they had to face the new nanny.

"Dakota Turner," she said, offering him her hand. "I’m the new nanny." Her smile lit up her whole face, and her hand drowned in his as he shook it.

"Michael Newman," he almost growled at her. She was just too damn distracting.

She moved on from him to Preston.

"Preston Reyes," Preston muttered. Michael could read the thought running through his head as if he were saying it out loud. "Yeah, she had to go."

"Zachary. Zachary West," Zach said, dropping her hand before she gave it a proper shake.

"I’m very pleased to meet you all. As I said, I’m Dakota. From the agency. And I’m here to take care of the little darlings. But unfortunately, as you can see, we’ve had a bit of an accident.

My top was covered in baby puke. Princess C didn’t like that, so I had to remove it, and Dragon Slayer over there saved the day by washing it all off me... with alcohol. It was all very innocent. I do apologize for the mess, but if you don’t mind, could I use your bathroom to get cleaned up? I’ll totally clean up the mess here as well; don’t worry about that."

"The bathroom’s on the second floor; take the elevator up," Preston volunteered.

"Right. The elevator. I won’t be but a minute, thank you."

She grabbed her bag and her top, which lay strewn on the floor. Did she have to bend to pick it up?

"I won’t be long," she said cheerily as she seemed to skip out of the room.

But fucking hell.