Without her permission, she closed her eyes for a second and breathed in their scent, which she remembered from the night before, despite the fact that she reeked of alcohol and baby vomit.

In broad daylight, they were as gorgeous as ever. But without the dim lighting of Jones' private poker room to soften their features, the tingly sensation waking every cell in her body turned into a full-body tremble.

If she thought they were pretty rich boys before, she had been so wrong.

There was nothing pretty about them. In reality,they were rugged, manly, strong, and powerfully rich men. The effect they had on her seemed to be getting worse.


She stopped breathing. They were looking at her. Directly at her as if she were a real person.

Just great.

When she was dressed in a designer gown, all made up and looking her finest, they ignored her. Now, they couldn't take their eyes off her when she looked like a deranged freak, soaked in alcohol, in her bra with her tits hanging out because her top was covered in baby puke.

Fuck my luck.

She instantly remembered what the woman from before had told her. They don’t sleep with the help.

That was the best advice she could have ever received. It put everything into perspective for her.

Yes. That’s what she had to remember. The woman who had been here before was their type.

Dakota was just a girl from the wrong side of the track, there to steal back a diamond that should have been a fake one if she had been doing her job as required by her boss. Yes, those were the kinds of people she knew now, apparently.

Thugs, con men, and thieves if she referred to herself.

She couldn’t get sidetracked. For once, her universe had lucked up on her and given her a golden opportunity to ensure she didn’t end up dead.

She’d be absolutely and indescribably stupid if she messed this up.

She could now go through their entire house looking for the diamond and have a valid reason for being there.

She was the freaking nanny.

Yes, that was all she had to do.

Pretend to be their nanny. Find the diamond. Return the diamond to its rightful home with Jones. Then come back here and put the fake diamond where the real one had once been.

No one would know.

She could pull this off. And once that happened, she’d be well on her way to unadulterated freedom. She couldn’t wait to leave this messy world behind her and start all over again.

As for Michael, Preston, and Zachary—she wondered what they would think if they knew she thought of them with such an intimate first-name familiarity—they were just three stepping stones.

Princess C, who had been holding her hand, ran off to hug them, as did Lucas, Dragon Slayer after he dropped his weapon of booze destruction, all to the sound of happy gurgling coming from the baby.

They clearly loved their uncles.

As soon as she realized how stupid it was of her to have even the smallest romantic hopes for them, a huge rock rolled off her chest.

She didn’t have to pretend to be anyone else because it wouldn’t matter.

She was the help. They were the billionaires.

Right, the time to stop standing there in her bra, dripping vodka onto their floor, was over.

Crap. Even the back of her skirt was soaked and now clung to her ass.