Page 59 of Make You Mine

Paxton lifted his hand in greeting as Adriano got closer, then he formed aCwith his hand and rubbed it up and down his throat a few times. ‘Horny?’

Adriano choked and felt a bit of rage bubbling up. Just because he was an adult-film star didn’t give people the right to talk to him like that. Doing porn didn’t mean his body or his sex life was on display at all times for anyone to just take.

Before he could fully unleash on this kid, however, Adriano noticed his eyes were fixed on the bag he was holding, and it became clear. He bit his lip, then set the bag down, held up his hands in surrender and shook his head. ‘Hungry,’ he spelled. He formed theCwith his hand, then started at the top of his throat and dragged it down once. ‘Horny,’ he spelled slowly, to make sure the kid got it, then he repeated the earlier sign.

Paxton’s eyes went wide, cheeks pink. His mouth began to move frantically, and Adriano could only imagine he was fumbling his way through an apology.

He didn’t have the energy to ask him to repeat it or write it down, so he waved it off, then grabbed the food and pushed past the swinging door and into the kitchen. Noah was there at the baking table, his head bobbing in a rhythm that told Adriano there was music on. It wasn’t loud enough for him to feel it, but the way Noah moved—the sway in his hips, the tapping feet—it was probably upbeat.

Adriano loved him. God, he wassoin love with him.

He cleared his throat, and Noah peered over his shoulder, his face flitting through a few expressions before he settled on happiness. He swiped hands over his apron, then crossed the room and dragged Adriano into a kiss. There was the faint sweetness of jam on his tongue, and flour on his cheek, and his nails were crusted with drying dough, but he was the most beautiful thing Adriano had ever held in his arms.

Pulling back, Adriano cupped Noah’s cheek for a long moment, then held up the bag and shook it. ‘Lunch. Also, your employee just asked me if I was horny.’

Noah’s eyes went wide, his mouth parted. ‘Hewhat?’

‘I think he meant hungry,’ Adriano offered, and Noah slapped a hand to his forehead.

‘He can fingerspell, sort of. He asked me to teach him a few basic customer service signs, but I didn’t teach him that one.’

Adriano grinned and put the bag of food down before laying a hand on Noah’s waist. ‘Is that part of the services here?’

Noah gave him a flat look and smacked him lightly on the arm, but he didn’t stop Adriano from backing him up against the baking table and stealing another long kiss. When they pulled apart, Noah looked vaguely dazed and happy. ‘What did you bring me?’

‘Burrito. Isaac and Liam,’ he spelled, ‘are dog-sitting right now. Fitz says he’ll watch Jude this evening until I get back.’

Noah’s grin was soft again as he broke away from Adriano, took the bag, and led the way upstairs. It felt good to be back in the little apartment, even if he knew Noah wasn’t going to be there forever. It still felt like he was being given pieces of Noah that so few people had the privilege of knowing.

They sat on the sofa, Marshmallow instantly joining them at their feet, and Noah pulled a face when Adriano tore his burrito in half and offered a bit of chicken to the beast weaving around his feet.

‘You spoil him,’ Noah accused.

Adriano shrugged, not sorry. He took a huge bite, then set his food down. ‘Have you known Fitz long?’

Noah blanched, and he aborted the bite he was about to take. The burrito sat, untouched, over his legs. ‘We were in school together. He was always…’ Noah dropped his hands and took a breath. ‘He didn’t bully me like the other kids, but he never stopped them.’

‘And the others?’ Adriano asked.

Noah nodded, then spelled the names. ‘Ronan and Aksel were a lot like him. Not cruel but never particularly kind. It’s different now. Ronan is the park ranger working out at Lake Mayer, and he handles tours at both cemeteries. He started those jobs before I came back to Savannah. We haven’t seen each other, though. I didn’t leave the house much before last month.’

Adriano reached over and brushed a light thumb over Noah’s cheek until he had his full attention. ‘Eat,’ he ordered, and Noah’s chest heaved with a sigh before he obeyed. ‘Do you not want me to be friendly with Fitz?’

‘I like him,’ Noah answered with a shrug. Adriano liked the way his cheeks bulged with food, the way he didn’t seem to care how he looked as he devoured his lunch. ‘I don’t think I gave them the benefit of the doubt.’ The letters of the last four words were clumsy on his hand, but Adriano followed them. ‘I’m trying to be better.’

‘I know,’ Adriano told him. He leaned in to smudge a kiss on Noah’s cheek. ‘You’re amazing.’

Noah shook his head, but he looked pleased, and the two of them finished their lunch in relative silence after that. When Adriano got everything put away, Noah was on his feet and near the door, so Adriano crowded him against the wood and pressed their bodies together from chest to groin.

“I want you,” he murmured, then leaned in to kiss Noah’s neck. He grinned when he felt Noah get hard, then grinned wider when he realized Noah wasn’t near the edge. Pulling back, Adriano cocked his head to the side. “I want to take you on a date.”

Noah’s eyes went wide, and he freed some space to sign. ‘A date?’

Adriano nodded. ‘A real date. We’re dating, but we haven’t gone on more than one date. I want to romance you.’

Noah bit his lower lip to hide his smile, though it didn’t work. ‘Okay.’

Adriano smiled big enough to show teeth. ‘When? Friday?’