Page 43 of Make You Mine

‘Say that in a month,’ Noah replied with a laugh, and Adriano rolled his eyes.

‘Two months. Six months. Ten years. I don’t know where we’ll be, but I like you. I want to try this with you.’

Noah glanced away, just for a second, just to give himself some reprieve from the intensity he saw in Adriano’s eyes.

‘Noah,’ Adriano signed, and he smiled just a little bit, mostly in the eyes and at the corners of his mouth. ‘I just got out of a long-term relationship. I didn’t love him. I don’t know if I ever loved him. I want to move slow. But I want to see where this goes. I don’t want to stop when we’re done with this.’ He indicated the hallway, and Noah knew what he meant.

It was like Adriano could read him, those quiet, anxious parts of him he was too afraid to voice. He breathed out, air shaking in his chest, but something felt settled. ‘Thank you.’

Adriano nodded, then he stood up and extended his hand. Noah didn’t hesitate, even if his anxiety began to ramp up again, but Adriano held him fast and didn’t hurry toward the bedroom. He paused in the doorway, pressing Noah to the hard, unforgiving wood, then kissed him hard enough to make him forget that it was painful against his spine.

He let go, then let Noah take the lead, let Noah take that first step into something that would surely change his life forever. But he realized as he stared at the small camera setup, and the turned-down blankets, and the shaded windows, it might just be for the better.


Adriano didn’t needNoah to tell him he was nervous. It was apparent in the slight tremble of his fingers, and the tension in his spine, even as he led the way into the bedroom. Adriano didn’t exactly mind that Noah was nervous. This was Noah’s first time with all of it. No one had ever explored the naked expanse of Noah’s body before him, and it was erotic, though that was such a shallow word for the way it made him feel.

Adriano had never set much value on the idea of virginity. He respected it, respected the way it made people feel, but he had never used it to measure worth. New actors who hadn’t done much on-screen or with a private partner didn’t hold more or less appeal when he filmed with them.

Eric himself hadn’t dated much before he had gone to work for Adriano. He’d been nervous too, though not like this. He worried about pleasing Adriano, about measuring up to the scenes Adriano had on-screen. And Adriano couldn’t exactly say he didn’t get pleasure out of working because he did. It was fucking, and he very much enjoyed fucking. But Eric never seemed to understand that what he wanted in his life and in the privacy of his bedroom was not what he was paid to do on camera.

He hated himself a little for how often he was comparing Noah to his ex, but he supposed that was also normal. Eric had been Adriano’s first real, adult relationship. He’d dated in college—a few weeks here, a month or two there, but nothing that stuck. Nothing that had substance or meaning.

Even Eric felt shallow at first. It was forbidden fruit. Sneaking around on set and fucking his interpreter, then filming a scene with Eric right there, watching, hands flying with stage direction and dialogue. He loved it.

It became more, but it never becameenough.

If Noah never wanted more than this, Adriano wasn’t sure he’d be content, and thatwassomething he needed to think about. But not now.

The lights were low in the room, and everything was set up. Adriano had spent a few hours before heading to Noah’s testing angles and filming a couple scenes of himself jacking off and playing with toys. He kept it active, kept himself moving, and he knew that the videos would need some editing, but not much. He didn’t have expert skill in amateur videos. He had never been the guy who did the nitty-gritty tech work. But he’d picked up enough over the years, and he had friends.

He had a contract waiting for Noah that ensured he was the only one who would get paid, and he had a plan. Five videos, and then, if Noah wanted, if he was ready, a sixth. A sixth where Adriano would give something to Noah that he hadn’t given to anyone else.

And Noah would take it from him and fulfill an expectation that Adriano believed was bullshit but that would most certainly line Noah’s pockets nicely. Enough to pull him out of debt and cushion his way into figuring out what he wanted to do with his life next.

His mind briefly went back to the moment on the sofa, the terrified way Noah had looked at him, how he had spelled most of his words because his fear had stolen his vocabulary. But he’d made himself clear enough.

He thought this might be a game, a way for Adriano to pass the time until all the shit with Eric and Xander either worked out or disappeared. He thought Adriano was just biding his time until he could walk away, and Adriano didn’t know how to assure him he wouldn’t because he wasn’t sure about himself.

He had never fallen so hard so fast.

He needed time.

Noah was staring at him expectantly, not sure what to do. His hand toyed with the hem of his shirt like he thought maybe he should pull it off, so Adriano closed his fingers around Noah’s delicate wrist and gave a light squeeze.

‘Wait,’ he signed, and Noah nodded. Adriano took a step back, then wiped his palms over the tops of his jeans. ‘The plan is to film five videos to start. One per night. I have a contract for you to sign and a friend to help edit. Nothing goes live until you say it’s okay.’

Noah bit his lip. ‘Will you…orgasm? With me?’

Adriano blinked at him, a little startled by the question. ‘This is about you. This is me makingyoucome.’

‘You already have,’ Noah pointed out. ‘More than once. And you never…’ His hand hung in the air with hesitation.

Adriano hadn’t realized what was bothering his lover. He’d been hyper focused on Noah to the exclusion of his own pleasure in the moment. He hadn’t minded. In fact, he’d loved it. He’d taken those images—the feel of Noah’s body tensing, the hitching in his breath, the hot puffs of air against Adriano’s face—and he’d stroked himself over and over the moment he’d gone back to his place.

The first night he’d made Noah come with just a kiss, he’d buried three fingers in his own ass and shouted into his pillow just reliving that moment. It was erotic and gorgeous, but he’d made the mistake of not sharing that with Noah.

“Shit,” he said aloud.