Page 65 of Make You Mine

Adriano tapped open his notepad.If u c him, pls tell me. His name Eric and I think here. I think he said something 2 Noah bc he left and can’t find him.

Oscar’s look was full of sympathy but no real knowledge, and that did make him feel a little better that Eric had only inflicted his bullshit on one person, but he hated that the one person was Noah. Oscar gave him a firm nod, then reached out and squeezed his arm.

He waved a goodbye to Oscar, stopping to give Paisley a quick pat, then started on his way to the bakery. With any luck, Noah would be there, but if not, he was happy to stand vigil until his lover got back.

* * *

Adriano was shut out.The door that led to the stairs up to the apartment was locked, and as much as he wanted to think he could wait all night, he had Jude to think about. He rang the buzzer enough times that he knew it would irritate anyone inside, but when no one threw anything from the windows and when no one came down, he realized his plan was futile.

If Noah was up there, he wasn’t going to see him.

The not knowing was going to drive him crazy. It was under his skin, and the only thing in the world he wanted was to take Noah in his arms and kiss him until he unearthed every seed of discord Eric had planted. He said a little prayer into the universe that Eric wouldn’t be brave enough to come near him soon, though, because Adriano was pretty sure he’d risk jail to get a few good punches at his perfectly shaped nose.

He let out a groan, then set Jude on the ground and turned to head home when there was movement behind him. Noah’s name was on his lips when he turned, but it was Talia, looking somewhat sheepish as she let herself out of the bakery and shut the door behind her.

Fuck, fuck,fuck.

Talia was holding a note, and she flinched when Adriano snatched it out of her hands.Noah doesn’t want to talk right now. Adam is up there with him, and Noah said he’d text you in the morning. He asked me to give you a ride home.

Adriano bit his lip and swallowed past a lump in his throat. But at the very least, he loved Noah enough to comply with his wishes. It was only fair after all. He handed the note back and nodded, but he was in no mood to have a full conversation with the woman, and he was in no mood for an awkward drive back to the rental.

“Tell Noah I’ll speak to him soon. I’m going to walk.” He committed an act of impoliteness that he used far too often on his brothers and turned his back. He had no idea if Talia called after him, but no one tried to stop him as he made his way to the main street and began the long journey back to the empty house.

His feet ached by the time he got there, and Jude put up no fuss at all when Adriano ordered him into the crate. He set the latch and pulled a blanket over his baby, then collapsed in the primary bedroom, lying on his stomach as he pulled his laptop close.

His entire body craved comfort. It craved the warmth and softness of Noah against him—the one thing he wasn’t allowed to have right then. He wanted to stomp his feet and raise his voice and throw a full tantrum until he got his way, but he knew better.

If this had been Adriano in a different life, even a year ago, he might have considered it. He might have pouted outside the door or wheedled Talia to let him up, then threw everything he had at Noah until the man gave in and let him in.

But he was trying not to be that person. Noah made him want to be better, to explore the depths of himself he’d left hidden for more shallow waters that had gotten him fame and money. He’d had the potential to be more than just a rich brat once upon a time, but it was just easier to give in to the lifestyle of the people around him.

Now he felt unfulfilled. Now he felt like those years were wasted.

With a sigh, Adriano curled his legs up and logged into his email to find a note from Anthony.Making progress, and if you lie low, we might be able to have a settlement ready. You’ll have to pay the fee, but due to Eric’s post on Twitter about the engagement that went viral, I’m pretty sure we can get them to dissolve any obligation between you and the firm because of conflict of interest. You can thank Eric for his fuck-up.

Adriano read the email once, then twice, then a third time. It made sense. It made absolute and total sense why Eric was there. He’d fucked up, and he’d cost Xander money. He was either under orders to make nice with Adriano, or Xander had dumped his ass for someone not so impulsive. Either way, Adriano wasn’t interested in what either of them had to say.

He’d pay the stupid fucking fee to dissolve his contract with Xander’s company, he’d give them double middle fingers as he backed out the door, and he’d get on with life. Hopefully—presumably—with Noah in it. If it meant living here and flying to California to film, he’d do it.

He had weeks to decide, maybe even months, though. He wanted to woo Noah. He wanted to romance the shit out of him until Noah couldn’t imagine being with another man. He wanted to turn his world upside down and make him fall as hard and as fast as Adriano was falling.

He just…wanted Noah. He could be patient until morning, but he knew between now and then, it was going to be a damn long night.


Noah was wellaware he was sulking like a child, and he was well aware Adam was on the cusp of a full-on meltdown. He half expected his brother to throw a punch after the fourth time he refused to say anything.

It was only when Adriano wouldn’t lay off the buzzer, and Adam threatened to let him up, that Noah relented. “His ex is here,” Noah told them both. His voice was hoarse from holding back tears, and he hugged himself tight around his middle. “He showed up at the fucking market and cornered me in the booth.”

Adam looked murderous, but Talia—startlingly enough—look worried. “Is this guy violent or something?”

Noah gave a weak shrug. “I don’t know much about him. I don’t know how he even knows. I mean Adriano must have told him he was here. Which means they’ve been talking.”

Adam shook his head. “Maybe, but Noah, I can tell you from experience that Adriano doesn’t seem like that kind of guy.”

“He wasn’t lying about what he said, though,” Noah blurted. He remembered Adriano’s Caribbean trip with some faceless guy. And how after it was over, he was publicly romantic and fawning all over Eric’s Twitter feed. Eric was a lot of things, but Noah didn’t think he was necessarily a liar. Adriano’s world was just so different, and Noah wasn’t sure he even belonged on the fringes.

The buzzer continued to sound through the apartment, and Adam sighed, pressing fingers into his temples. “Talia, can you go down there and tell Adriano that Noah will call him tomorrow?”