Page 8 of Artist

Nothing. Not a single word from the man who gifted me my first block of clay.

Across the table, Penn’s head drops like he can’t look at me anymore. Good. I’m not going to pretend he hasn’t hurt me just because I’m embarrassed about the call.

“Um, hey guys.” We both look up. Emma is back, hovering at the side of our table with the largest cheeseburger I’ve ever seen balanced on her tray. She looks at me with wide eyes, and I know I’ll be chastised thoroughly for withholding the fact I knowthe Penn Adlerthe next time I see her.

Just so long as she doesn’t figure out I’m related tothe Lip Lowell,we’re good. Emma’s nice enough, but I’ve had friends who seemed “nice enough” before they flirted with my father right in front of me.

There’s a reason I don’t tell people who my family is.

“Did you want your food here, Mr. Adler?”

Penn blinks at the burger like he has no idea what she’s talking about. “Oh.” He gives her a tight smile. “Sure. Could you bring a knife and another plate?”

We sit in stony silence as Emma hurries off, returning a moment later with Penn’s request. I watch as he cuts the burger in half and slides it onto the second plate with a pile of fries. “Here.” He pushes it over to me. “Eat something.”


With a huff of frustration, I stand, snatching my bag off the seat beside me and getting to my feet. “I’m leaving. Great seeing you, Penn. I’ll be sure to catch your next special.”

His hand catches my wrist before I’ve taken two steps, and I stare down at his hand on my arm, skin to skin, fire racing through my veins.

“Daisy.” He stares up into my face. “Sit. Please.”

I stand there, caught in indecision, until Penn’s thumb smooths over the delicate skin on the inside of my wrist, just once, and the earth tilts on its axis.

My throat constricts, and I don’t understand what’s happening. Why is he looking at me like that? Why isn’t he letting me go? “I don’t know what you want from me, Penn.”

His eyes don’t move from my face for a second. “I want you to come to work for me.”

Excuse me?

I’m too taken off guard to do more than blink down at him. “Doingwhat?”

“Assistant. I,” His words falter, and he shakes his head slightly like he’s trying to clear it. “I need an assistant; Lip said you might be interested.”

My heart sinks. I should have guessed it would be something like that. Should have known that Dad’s uncharacteristic acceptance of what I want for my life wouldn’t come with some backdoor medaling.

It still stings that Penn agreed to it, though. He should know better than anyone that I don’t want anything to do with the world he’s become a part of.

“I have a job.” I remind him, still standing there. I can’t bring myself to pull my arm from his grasp.

“You just said you were thinking of picking up some shifts here. I guarantee I pay better.” His lips press together into a cocky little smile. “It’s flexible hours, too. Just come in whenever.”

The masochistic part of me would die happy for daily exposure to Penn. The rest of me… well, I’m still angry with him for casting me aside, still hurt by his absence from my life. Also,I don’t want to be a TV star’s assistant.

When I finally find my words, they come out bitterly. “I don’t understand why you’d want to hire me.”

Penn looks annoyed. “You’re more than capable, Daisy. You don’t think you’re up to sorting mail and- “

“No!” I bite back bitterly, “I don’t know why you’d want to see me every day. If you’re just trying to prove that everything is fine between us, maybe you should start by showing up for the holidays. Or, I don’t know, making even thebare minimumeffort to be a part of my life.”

I rip my arm away and stride toward the door, my eyes burning. I can’t do this. Seeing him brings back everything, the pain of his abandonment and rejection, the embarrassment of the call, the wanting.

It’s too much.

My breath comes in big, painful gasps the moment the door to the diner closes behind me, and I stride in the direction of my apartment as quickly as I can without flat-out running. I want to put as much distance as I can between myself and Penn, but I’ve barely made it half a block before an unmistakable voice calls after me.
