Page 57 of King

“Why did you do it? Stay out on the water and go through what you went through?”

Percy took a deep breath and let it go as if he were breathing out a heavy thought. “I stopped at least forty girls from going through auctions to powerful men who would surely kill them by the years end. I also took down a lot of teams like Zane’s, so the sex circles were dying out. I did it to save the girls who didn’t know any better.”

“But it’s not easy doing it alone.”

“I wouldn’t want anyone else to be subjected to it,” he said with a shrug of his shoulders. “I don’t have anyone waiting for me at the end of the day. I don’t have anyone who will miss me if it all goes pear shaped.”

“You’re an idiot.”

“Excuse me?” he responded, a little offended.

“You think you don’t have anyone who cares for you? Halen loves you and you know what, I don’t mind you either.”

“Oh shit, don’t tell me you’re falling for my rugged good looks, too?”

I rolled my eyes and punched him in the shoulder. “No, but you kind of feel like a brother to me. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you.”

“Well, thanks, but I still have a large amount of warrants out for me. There’s not many places I can go.”

“Where can you go?”

“Australia, or Asia. Pretty much.”

“Why not go there? You can live freely, find yourself a woman, settle down with some kids.”

“That’s not in the stars for me, kid, now come on. We need to find this place before we’re stuck here for another week.”

We got up and headed for the wharf.

“We need to walk a little faster.”

I turned around to find a few cops following us, slowly, but surely. They’d recognized him. He grabbed my hand and we started to take off through the park.

“If we get split up,” he yelled. “Go to the wharf and tell them you’re name. My contact will find you a way over to Cuba.”

“Just fucking keep up, old man,” I yelled back.

It seemed to do exactly what I needed it to and propel him toward me faster. The wharf was getting closer and closer.

“That’s him,” Percy yelled as we got closer to the wharf. His contact realized what was happening and was barking orders at someone as he quickly reached out and held up a gun. I almost stopped until Percy lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder. The gun wasn’t aimed at us, it was aimed at the cops.

“You owe me now, Percy.”

Percy spoke in Spanish to the man who was firing at the cops before he dropped me over the side and onto the deck. He jumped over to join me and we hid down below the side of the boat until we got far enough away that the cops couldn’t shoot us.

I felt like I could finally breathe as we sat down at the table on the private yacht.

“Whose yacht is this?” I asked.

“Don’t ask questions.”

Percy was full of mystery, and I knew for a fact that he knew a lot of bad people in his work, but this was crazy. He knew people in every country it seemed, so how was it that he was still targeted for his arrest in so many countries. A man joined us at the table and spoke in Spanish. Percy’s accent was flawless. I wondered how many accents he could speak.

When the man left, I turned to him. “Can Halen speak another language?”

“A few,” he said. “We had a very strict upbringing and most languages and cultures was high on the list.”

“I didn’t think you had a strict upbringing.”