Page 54 of King

“Land on the hospital roof and you can go.”

He did without issue and I jumped off the plane, running down the stairs until I got to the ground floor and I could get out of here.

I dialed Ren.

“Yeah, boss.”

“Where are you?”

“In the town planning office, Ben is headed to the desert to rescue you.”

“Well I got out of there, only just. Call him back. We need to go.”

“I’m just grabbing some evidence.”

I looked at a suspicious looking car outside the hospital. It was parked far too close to the doors.

As I checked the window, I saw the bomb sitting on the passenger seat. The bright red numbers were counting down.

“Ren, we have ten minutes and Olympia is going to blow. Get out now.”

I threw my phone to the side and ran for a car that was close by. I checked it for a bomb and once I cleared it, I jumped in and hot wired it. The sound of the car starting was a relief as I peeled out of the hospital car park and headed toward the city center. Ren was leaving the town planning office as I pulled in and he jumped in the car.

“The others?”


“Say goodbye, Ren.”

As we passed the club, I could feel the anguish in my chest knowing it would be gone in a mere matter of minutes. My entire life had been here and in just six minutes, it would be dust.

I put my foot down on the gas and tore through the streets until I could see the desert approaching us. I had no idea where to go, because I’d only left Olympia a handful of times.

Looking in the rearview mirror, I saw the bombs starting to go off. Large plumes of smoke and debris flew through the air as we drove away. I felt the stray tear slide down my cheek as I drove to an unknown destination to figure out what to do next.


Chapter Twelve


Thesoundsofthemen laughing could be heard in my little tiny room. I was freezing, trying to cuddle up to myself on the cot while bad thoughts entered my mind. Rubbing my hands up and down my arms, I tried to generate some heat. The blankets on the cot were paper thin and barely covered the cot let alone me.

I closed my eyes and thought of Halen and his warm arms, the way he could have me screaming his name in seconds. I thought about his massive bed and how it felt to wake up under his arm.

My eyes flung open when I heard a noise outside the door. I prepared myself for a fight as the door opened. Three burly looking men who appeared as if they hadn’t had a shower in a long time came in with sickening grins as they looked me up and down. One even lingered a little too long on my boobs. I fought the need to roll my eyes.

“What do you want with me?” I asked, stupidly. I instantly regretted it when the leader’s eyes glazed as he took me in, from top to bottom.

“Oh nothing much, I just need to sample the package.”

“Like hell you do,” I replied, angrily. “Where’s Percy?”

“Oh don’t worry about him,” he said, pushing his pals out of the room and closing the door behind him.

“You don’t want your friends to back you up when I beat the hell out of you?” I queried, feeling my confidence burning inside. This fucker had taken my chance to be reunited with Halen. I was pissed off.

He scoffed, and with lightning speed, backhanded me so hard, I felt my entire head shift. It took me a moment before I could lift my head back up to face him. My eyes were watery and I could taste blood in my mouth. He was pleased with himself as he stepped closer to me. His gun was in its holster. If I could just get close enough, I’d be able to grab it.