Page 50 of King

The woman never truly loved me because I was far too much like Percy and not her beloved Zane.

My phone dinged and I pulled it out, not sure if I wanted to go near her body or not.

“Charles is heading home.”

I looked out at the window that faced the driveway. Sure enough his car was pulling up next to mine.

I moved over to the bar cart, and poured myself a glass of the whiskey before I pulled the poison out from my pocket and stirred it into the decanter.

Charles all but exploded into the room, as I sipped at the whiskey in my glass.


“Don’t call me that.”

He dropped all pretenses and looked down at the body of his wife. The wife he had brutally murdered and left her out for all to see.

“Why are you here?”

“I just wanted answers as to why and then I stumbled upon your handiwork.”

“And you don’t pour your father a drink?” he queried.

I downed the rest of my drink and moved over to pour him one. I handed it to him and made a move to leave.

“You won’t drink with your father?”

“You want me to drink with you after all you’ve done?”

“Is this about your little plaything?” he asked, almost as if he were bored of my attitude.

“What did you just call her?”

It was taking everything in me not to run at him and tackle him to the ground.

“She’s no longer your problem, be free, my boy. You could always join Zane and I. We could find you a dungeon to run.”

“I would sooner die.”

“So be it then.”

He downed his drink in one go. I waited. Saraya had told me how potent this potion was. I knew it would only take a minute or two before his organs shut down on him.

Charles was making his way to me. I didn’t move, because I could start to see his hand shake. He paused, looking down at the involuntary movement and then up at me. I could feel the smile on my face just as I knew realization was probably dawning on him right now as I felt joy at seeing him falter.

“What was-”

He couldn’t get any more words out as the foam had begun to collect at his mouth. He loosened his tie just as I saw the big ugly vein in his neck enlarge, sticking out through the skin on his neck.

“What did you-”

He was choking on his saliva as his hand went out to hold him up. The chair fell, and he followed right after, landing hard on the floor as he clutched at my shoe. I kicked his hand away and knelt down, relishing in watching him fade.

“I wanted you to know it was me,” I told him. “I’ll end Zane too. Your entire fucking empire is going down and it’s going to be me who does it.”

He couldn’t speak. I watched as his eyes became bloodied, streams of it rolling down his cheeks. I stood back up and moved out of the dining room, and down to my car outside.

I had a sense of relief, knowing one of them was gone. The one Zane took all his orders from but this was far from over.