Page 47 of King

“No, the other one.”

My eyes rose to meet Ren’s. Percy had been unable to be located by even the military. “Is he with Paisley?”

“I don’t know. You should ask his little hussy he’s picked up since you took Paisley from him.”


“I don’t know…some sister of his wife.”

I knew exactly who she was talking about. Hannah’s little sister had always been off limits to Zane which he hated. Hannah had sent her away when she turned sixteen to a fancy college in Switzerland. She must be of age now and pulled into his sick and twisted life.

“Call Hannah,” I ordered Ren. “Tell her to meet us at the docks.”

Ren nodded and tied Daniela’s hands behind her back with rope he had in his back pocket. The men were always packing when it came to weaponry or things we needed to conduct business.

“You’re not going to stop him. He has an entire city of men looking out for him. Paisley is gone. She betrayed him.”

I felt my hands ball up at the sheer selfishness of this whore in front of me. I pulled back with everything I had and punched her straight in the nose. She screamed as the chair fell back and she landed on the floor, blood spewing from her nose, and streaming into her eyes and hair. I turned on my heel and headed for the door when I noticed a stack of papers sitting by the shredder.

Why would they need to shred so many documents in one go?

I’d obviously interrupted something important. A little cover up, maybe. I moved over to them and started to flick through the paperwork. A lot of purchase orders for military grade weapons, underwater missiles and machinery, and a lot of men to come and enact these crimes. He was going to level the city.

This fucker.

He truly was our father’s son.

I had to get Paisley and Percy and fast before I lost everything.


“There has to be something in this room to undo your cuffs,” I said, searching for a tiny pin or a needle or something I could break to use.

“They aren’t that stupid,” he said. “Look, it’s fine. I’m okay with my fate. I need you to get out and jump off the boat before it’s fully under water.”

I grunted at him. “God, you’re as stubborn as Halen. As if I would leave you to drown.”

“Paisley, if you’re still on the boat when it starts to sink, it will bring you down with it. You won’t be able to swim against it. There’s no use in both of us dying.”

I rolled my eyes at him when I realized the hair pin in my hair. I rarely used them but on this particular day my bangs were annoying the hell out of me so I had clipped the fuzzy pieces up. I reached up and pulled it free and ran over to him. Water was ankle deep now and it was freezing. We needed to get out of here before we caught our deaths from the temperature alone. I moved the pin in the keyhole and jiggled it like my father had taught me all those years ago. The lock clicked and the end of the cuff released. He looked at me with surprise.

“Where the fuck did you learn that?”

“We don’t have time for that, let’s go.”

He jumped off the seat he’d been on and headed for the door. The lock was weak and he was able to kick it with his boot. The door creaked and opened. He grabbed my hand and led me down a narrow passageway and up a few stairs to the deck.

The entire deck was underwater. “Wait here.”

I watched as he went back down the stairs and waded through the water until he got to a door. He yanked it open, the door flying off its weak hinges and he pulled out a large box as well as a bag.

“What is this?” I asked him when he rejoined me.


He pulled the box open and pulled out a giant yellow cube. When he pressed a button on the side of it, the entire thing started to inflate into a life raft big enough for both of us. He threw it over the side of the deck railing which was slowly going under. The water was up to our hips now. He threw the bag down into the boat next and then he pushed me over to the railing and into the water. I paddled over to the bright yellow raft and climbed in. My arms were shaking as I left the water and got into the safety of the raft. Percy followed me in and started to paddle away from the boat that was quickly sinking beneath the water. We were far enough away now that we could only sit and watch as the boat went under.

“Here,” Percy opened the bag he had tossed into the boat with us. He pulled out a sealed bag. I opened it to find a large blanket.