Page 8 of King

The door to my apartment was opening. I turned to greet Zane but instead I was met with someone I’d never seen before in my life. I made a move to scream before I kicked my feet up to nail him in the groin. Somehow, he moved around my kick and grabbed me. He held me in a way so that I couldn’t move. His hand was over my mouth but I couldn’t bite him. I tried to move my shoulders but he had me in a bear-like hug from behind. Panic set in as I realized every self defense technique I had been taught was useless against this intruder.

I was getting sleepy, and it was then that I realized the way he held his hand over my mouth was probably a napkin with chloroform on it. My arms and legs were getting heavy, I couldn’t put up much of a fight anymore.


He couldn’t handle me at my full potential.

Fear laced through me as my vision became darker and darker and slowly, I was unable to move or keep my eyes open.


Ben was standing watch at the door to the room I ordered Ren to put the princess in. He’d told me she had put up one hell of a fight which impressed me but no one could defeat my ex-military soldier friend. He was skilled in black ops and had never had one person evade him.

“She awake yet?”

He shook his head. “Not that I’ve heard. Maybe she needs her beauty sleep.”

I smirked at his naivety when it came to women. “You read too many books.”

“No such thing, boss.”

Slowly, I opened the doors to her room and moved over to the bed. She lay on top of the quilts, her pink dress tight over her legs. Her breasts were pushed up in the top of her dress, almost as if they were going to spill out. I had no idea why women wore such tight outfits. It couldn’t be comfortable.

I pulled a chair over to sit beside her just as I saw her fingers twitching. Not long now and she’d be awake and I could tell her all about my plan to eradicate her lover and she’d be powerless to stop it.

Slowly, her eyes opened and I saw her try to focus her sight on her surroundings. Something about the way she did that made me think she’d been through this before. Maybe her self defense techniques Ren had told me about was a survival tactic. What could this young woman have been through already to have the need to know that stuff? It made me angry that she’d had to endure anything like that in her young years.

She shot up, clutching her arms to her chest as she locked eyes with me.

“You-” she began but stopped herself. “Why am I here? Where am I?”

“You’re in my palace,” I told her. “I won’t hurt you unless you force me to. My name is Halen and you’re my prisoner for now.”

“Because you hate your brother?” she asked.

“You know who I am?”

“Yes,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest now and looking at me with a determination I admired. “A lot of people talk about you.”

“I bet,” I said. “Look, all you have to do is stay in this room until he bends to my will.”

“He won’t bend to your will,” she said.

“He will when he finds out I’ve got his latest plaything and believe me, little girl. He’s awestruck by you.”

“Good,” she said. “I’ve worked hard for that.”

I found her determination and sassiness refreshing. Most women would be cowering after what I’d told them. I did mean it, I was no woman basher. I’d not lay a hand on her unless she forced me to.

“I bet you have, princess.”

“I’m no fucking princess,” she said. “And I’ll get away from you. I know how to escape from situations I don’t want to be in.”

Again, a survival thing I was guessing. What happened to this little woman?

“I dare you,” I said, smirking at her when she cocked her head to the side. “Trust me, you won’t get away from me unless I want you to. You’re safe here, but I do need to fuck Zane’s shit up a bit.”

“Why didn’t you steal his wife then?”