Page 55 of King

I thought he was reaching for a boob grab but instead he balled his fist and shoved it into my stomach hard. I hunched over, unable to do anything but groan and clutch at my aching stomach. I felt his hands on me, turning me around so I was on the cot, on my knees. Fear ratcheted through me as memories of what happened to me in the car before I was rescued at fourteen made their way to the forefront of my mind. The memory that had been played with but I remembered now.

I remembered Zane’s hands on me, his dick inside of me as I screamed for him to stop, tears pouring down my face as he forced his way into me and pumped so hard, I could feel myself ripping.

Something in me awakened, a force I didn’t know I had, and I shoved him backward. He stumbled back, obviously surprised by me. I didn’t even think as I pulled the gun from his holster and shoved it into his mouth, pulling the trigger before he could do anything to stop me.

Brain and blood spattered all over the wall and roof of the room, blood splatter had landed on my shirt and my face too. I pulled the gun free and let the body slump to the ground, half his head blown to bits.

I couldn’t help but feel anything other than pride and joy at what I’d done.

I was not a victim.

I was a fucking survivor and I would end anyone who thought they could use me again.

The door swung open and his friends came for me. Before they could get to me or before I could raise the gun. I heard two shots and they fell to their knees on the floor before slumping down. Two shots in the back of their head. I looked up and saw Percy standing there with a gun.

His face was badly bruised and bloody, cuts over his lips and over his eyebrow.

“What the fuck did they do to you?” I asked him.

“It doesn’t matter. Are you all right?”

He asked the question but I didn’t need to answer. He looked at what was left of the head of the guy who tried to rape me and he smirked.

“You really are Halen’s equal.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment. Now, if you don’t mind, I’d really love to return to him.”

“You got it. Follow me.”

I did, keeping a distance behind him so I didn’t get in his way as he made his way down the hall and up the stairs to the deck. I could hear a couple of men arguing on the deck as we approached them. Percy was quick, grabbing one of them by the neck and holding the gun to his temple. Everyone stopped as I approached, a gun trained on the other two.

“Where’s the boat?” Percy asked them.

One of them motioned to the back of the boat. I ran over, keeping my gun trained on them as I peeked over the side.

A motor powered dinghy was floating alongside the bigger boat.

“It’s here.”

“Get in it,” he told me, without taking his eyes off the other two. I climbed down into the dinghy and untied it from the boat, holding onto the back deck of the boat so he could get in too.

I couldn’t see him, but I could hear the gun shots. At first, I wanted to jump up and help him but when I saw him climb over into the dinghy and start it up, taking us toward the closest shore, I knew he’d been fine. He was cradling his arm close to his chest, and his face wounds looked tedious in the fading light from the boat as we sped away.

“Do you know where we are?” I asked him.

“No idea, but the closest shore we find, we’ll find our way back. I promise you.”

I nodded, but I didn’t know if I could trust in that. The events of the past couple of days was rendering me almost speechless. I missed Halen.

I wanted to be back with him, because with him, I knew I could take on anything. He was the reason I was fighting so hard.

He was so fucking worth the fight.

I never thought I would ever think like that about any man.

“You good? Did they do anything to you?” Percy asked me, breaking the silence.

“No, I didn’t let him.”