Page 52 of King

I thought of Halen.

What must he think of me? If Rusty coming to find me was anything to go by, he didn’t care that I poisoned him. My heart all but exploded at thinking of the man I had hurt in order to bring down the man who had hurt me.

My mind was everywhere. The last couple of weeks had been overwhelming to say the least, but meeting Halen…that balanced out all the crap.

He was just like me.

Not the me that everyone saw, but the me I kept buried.

Deep down, because no one could handle crazy Paisley.

I looked around the room they had locked me in. A simple cot lay off to the side, a small window but I couldn’t see much with the storm raging outside. I tried the door, wondering if the pirates had actually locked it, but it didn’t budge.

God, what were they doing to Percy right now?

What would they do with me?

Right, Paisley, you need to think.

THINK, goddamn it.

I sat on the edge of the cot, trying to come up with solutions but the rocking of the boat was really setting my stomach on edge. I tried to think of happy things, of being back in the garden, of eating Halen’s pomegranates again, of being in his arms.


Ren drove us to the hospital. One of Cy’s army buddies told us the helipad was being used. That could only be Zane. Cy’s mates were still watching us but they were well aware of the explosives being planted all over the city.

He parked on the sidewalk and we ran for the doors of the hospital, heading up to the roof. It was an eerie feeling to be in the hospital with no one else, no machines beeping, no shouting, not rushing sounds.

Ren led the way as we took the elevator to the roof. It opened and we immediately took cover. The helicopter was on the roof, its rotor blades whooping to life. I could see the pilot was waiting in the cockpit and Hannah and Zane were arguing. Hannah was shoving him, as if she were trying to get him to leave. It took a few more shoves before Zane pulled out his gun and shot Hannah clear between the eyes. She fell back instantly onto the hard cement ground. I gasped as I watched my brother carelessly climb aboard the helicopter.

This was my chance. I ran for the helicopter and climbed in before the pilot took off. Ren was still on the helipad when I felt us lift up into the air.

“You motherfucker,” I heard Zane yell as he pulled me by my shirt up off the seat and dangle me out the open door. The sound of the helicopter was deafening being out here as I struggled with him. I gripped onto his arm so if he pushed me, we’d both fall to our deaths. I knew he was scared of that so he hauled me back up. I took my seat again, opposite my enemy, and pulled my own gun out.

Hannah’s young sister sat on the other side of him, clearly terrified, but I knew she would be quick to strike if the need arose.

“Where the fuck did you take Paisley?”

“She’s dead now,” he said, with confidence. “So maybe you need to find yourself a new hottie.”

“I see to have a habit of taking yours, so maybe Hannah’s little sister will be my next target.”

“Like hell,” she spat.

“Shut up,” Zane aimed at her. “Sit there and keep your mouth shut.”

“That’s no way to speak to a lady, brother.”

“She ain’t no fucking lady.”

“Hey!” she screamed. Zane grabbed her by the shirt and pulled her toward him.

“One more fucking word, Talia, and I will throw you out of this helicopter.”

Talia nodded quickly and sat back down, looking out the other side of the chopper. I aimed my attention back at my brother who was clearly not happy I was here.

“Why?” I yelled over at him.