Page 41 of King

“Look up everything you can about Operation Scythe and any corporations who use it.”

Ben nodded and ran off to do just that. Cy sat across from me. He’d always been the more level headed of the brothers.

“Boss, what do you think the chances are of surviving this?” he asked me. “Zane isn’t known for his patience. He’d level this entire world you’ve created down here in an instant.”

He was right, and now that I knew my father was behind it all, I had no doubt he’d want to protect his angelic image within the city, and the country.

“Do you still have those contacts in the army?” I asked him.

He nodded. “Of course.”

“Call them. We may need their help.”

Cy got up and walked out of the office. He was a great and loyal soldier for me but even his mind was scarier than mine. He’d been able to talk his way onto a military base and stolen weapons for weeks before they caught him. He could adapt anywhere. Since then, he’d been friends with the higher ups on the military base who used him from time to time for special ops when their aliases were burned. Because of that, I knew they would do anything for Cy.

My father or brother wouldn’t be intimidated by the army but they also didn’t know the kind of weaponry Cy had been able to score for them. The kind of weaponry that wasn’t classified by the country’s government because they needed their own strategy when an enemy tried to attack us.

A strategy that no one could predict.

I got off my chair and looked out the window at the gardens below. The gardens Paisley had loved.

All I knew right now was how much I needed her back. I needed her to be safe, and I needed my family dead.

Save for Percy but I knew my father never trusted Percy. He’d always known Percy was out to settle a score. In fact, I was entirely sure, especially now, that he’d been responsible for Percy’s multiple arrest warrants on three continents forcing him into international waters to evade police.

How did you bring down a man like my father and survive?

You outsmarted him, of course.

But how?

My phone’s message tone broke me out of my thoughts as I wheeled around to look down at the image I’d been sent from an anonymous number. It was a bruised and bloodied face of Paisley and she looked out of it. I knew she wouldn’t be dead, otherwise what was the reason for sending the image.

They wanted to hurt me.

And it was working.

Little did they know, my fury will be the end of their pathetic lives.

I threw my phone at the wall and left the office, stomping down to the gardens. I gathered up all the poison buds I could find and took them to one of the only people in my little kingdom down here who could do what I needed done.


“Halen,” she said as I moved into her cottage. “It’s been a long time since I saw you last.”

“I know, I’m sorry.”

“You’ve no need to apologize.”

“Can you make this into the most potent poison possible?” I asked her, as I handed her the bucket full of buds I’d collected.

She looked down at them and back at me. “Well, yes, but whatever for?”

“I don’t need you to know that.”

She looked fearful but she nodded all the same and took the bucket from me. “Give me a few hours.”

I nodded and walked out of her cottage, taking a deep breath, before I headed back to the mansion.