‘I thought you’d gone away again. I must have been half asleep. The bed was empty, and—’

‘You don’t get rid of me that easily.’

‘Who says I want to get rid of you?’ She rolled closer. ‘I have plans for you.’

Laughing, Tyr kissed her. His sexy growl warmed her through, and, remembering his exhaustive attentions the night before, she reached for the buckle on his belt.

Tyr might have helped her with that belt buckle or he might have hindered. She wouldn’t know; they were in such a rush. Tearing off his jeans, he threw her down on the bed and drew her beneath him. Lifting her, he nudged one powerful thigh between her legs and took her with a deliciously firm thrust. The pleasure when Tyr began to move was indescribable, and she moved with him, fiercely and rhythmically, and as fast as she could. She cried out as she dropped into the abyss and Tyr fell with her. This was the best yet. And extremely necessary, Jazz concluded contentedly as Tyr fell back and they both began to laugh. Turning his head, Tyr stared into her eyes. ‘Why did we waste so much time sleeping?’

‘We must be mad,’ Jazz agreed wryly. ‘But as I’m not in the mood for sleep right now...’

Tyr took the hint and helped her to climb on top of him. Gripping his shoulders, she settled slowly into position. ‘Oh, that’s so good. So good!’ Her screams could probably be heard in the village, and, with Tyr holding her firmly as he guided her back and forth, she extracted the last ounce of pleasure and rode the storm.

‘This can’t get any better, can it?’ she managed later when they were both taking a break with their limbs lazily entwined.

‘Why do you ask?’ Tyr murmured without opening his eyes.

‘Because I don’t think I can take any more.’

‘You underestimate yourself, Princess, but perhaps we should find out?’

Jazz exclaimed softly with anticipation as Tyr brought her beneath him. Lifting her legs onto his shoulders, he pressed her knees back and took her in long, lazy strokes that she could do nothing to resist or control, and within seconds she had lost control again. ‘Stop—stop,’ she begged him, laughing as Tyr lowered her onto her side and curled around her. ‘I can’t take any more.’

‘You’re wrong,’ he insisted.

He was right, thank goodness. When Tyr moved behind her and his hand worked some sort of magic as he moved, the impossible became possible again. Arching her back, she thrust her buttocks towards him so he could see just how thoroughly she was enjoying his attentions, and how eager she was to assist.

When she quietened this time, Tyr embraced her and kissed her so tenderly, it took her a while to notice that the pavilion was filled with the most intoxicating scent. ‘What is that delicious perfume?’

Tyr pulled his head back to stare down at her. ‘Arabian jasmine and desert lavender.’

‘Really?’ She sat up, and then realised the pavilion was full of desert flowers. ‘You did all this for me while I was sleeping?’

‘I stopped short of bringing in the horses to trample the plants to release their scent as you suggested when we were down at the oasis.’

‘You’re a secret romantic?’

‘No need for such a frown. I might not be in touch with my feminine side, but I do know what matters to my wife.’

Jazz laughed and nuzzled close. ‘You are full of surprises.’

‘I try not to disappoint.’

‘Not a chance,’ Jazz confirmed. ‘But you didn’t need to do all this for me.’

‘Yes, I did. A bride should feel special, and I’m guessing you spent most of your wedding day feeling anything but.’ Tyr’s massive shoulders lifted in a shrug. ‘I wanted to make it up to you.’

As he got out of bed, she joined him, oblivious to the fact that she was naked. ‘Tyr Skavanga out at dawn picking flowers for me? I’ll be able to eat out on that story for years to come.’

They were close, almost touching, and with a husky growl Tyr yanked her closer. Lifting her, he encouraged her to wrap her legs around his waist, and, dipping at the knees, he took her deep. Thrusting rhythmically as he kissed her, Tyr made her forget everything apart from the wild ride he was taking her on, and by the time he lowered her to her feet, her legs refused to support her.

‘That must have been good,’ he observed as he carried her to the bed. ‘Perhaps you should just lie back on the bed and recover.’

He was joking. Having brought her to the edge of the bed, Tyr moved over her, and, bracing his arms either side of her on the bed, he teased her with the tip while she groaned.