‘I’m coming in.’

‘Don’t let me stop you,’ she yelled from somewhere deep inside      the tent.

‘You should have stayed in the hall until I came back with you      to check everything was safe.’

‘How many times, Tyr?’ Jazz demanded as he closed the roar of      the storm out behind him. ‘There’s no need for you to come and check up on me.      Why risk your life for no reason?’

‘Maybe I disagree with you about there being no reason for me      being here?’

He went about doing the job he’d come for, shaking poles and      checking roof beams. ‘Move aside, Jazz. I need to make sure this structure’s      safe.’

She stalked round after him. ‘Do you really think the Wadi      people don’t know how to build a structure that can weather a storm?’

‘Like your brother, Jazz, I have only survived this long      because I never take anything for granted.’

‘Are you satisfied now?’ she demanded, when he stood back to      take one last long look around.

‘Not nearly,’ he said. ‘How long do you think you might be      confined here? Do you have enough water? Enough to eat?’

‘Look around, Tyr.’

He dragged his gaze reluctantly from Jazz to take in the      platters set out on low brass tables. They were laden with sweetmeats and fruit.      ‘Jazz.’

‘And don’t Jazz me. I’m not a      child,’ she snapped. ‘Well? Are you satisfied now? Oh, and there’s an      underground stream running through the back of the tent, should I start to get      thirsty.’

He glared back at her.

‘So, what are you going to do now, Tyr? Stroll back to your      place in the village—get knocked off your feet and killed?’

‘Hopefully not.’ Jazz sounded belligerent, but her expression      was both wounded and touchingly concerned for him. This had to be embarrassing      for Jazz. According to the headman, they were destined to be married, though not      a word of romance had passed between them. Jazz didn’t know how to handle it,      and for once he had no advice to offer her. ‘I’m satisfied you’re safe in here,’      he said to break the tension.

‘The pavilion is well insulated, thanks to its outer skin of      camel hide,’ Jazz confirmed with a dry throat, clearly relieved to seize the      distraction lifeline he’d offered her.

‘And you’re right, saying no one is safe outside in a storm      like this,’ he agreed for the sake of encouraging Jazz to use her sensible head,      rather than the turbulent emotion he could sense bubbling so close to the      surface. ‘Not even me.’

‘Well, that’s something, I suppose.’ And then she fell silent.      ‘You should never have come here,’ she said at last in a strained voice.

‘I’m supposed to pretend nothing happened back there?’ He      jerked his head in the general direction of the village hall.

‘Can’t you see how bad you’re making things look by coming      here, Tyr?’

‘Your safety comes first. And considering you weren’t supposed      to be here when I arrived, that’s rich, coming from you. But we are where we      are, Jazz, and it’s no use looking back.’

‘If you’d left me on that dune as I asked you to, this wouldn’t      have happened.’

‘If I’d left you on that dune, you’d be dead. And if one of my      sisters was stranded in the middle of a sandstorm when Sharif was close by, I      would expect him to do exactly what I’m doing for you.’

‘But this is different, Tyr.’

‘Why? Because you’re a princess of Kareshi? You’re also a human      being, aren’t you?’

‘I’m alone with a man.’

‘Who is here to make sure you’re safe, and for no other reason,      Jasmina.’