Lifting Tyr’s hands to her lips, she kissed them and stared into his eyes. ‘Of course I will.’

Tyr’s kiss was tender and cherishing, but when he pulled back he was frowning.

‘What’s the matter?’ she said. ‘Not having second thoughts, I hope?’

Tyr laughed. ‘Far from it. The only downside to loving you so much is that I keep on having to make love to you.’

‘Oh, no.’ She pretended dismay. ‘But is that permitted when we’re not even married yet?’

‘Let’s break the rules. Unless of course you have some objection?’

‘None I can think of right away. Oh, well, maybe one...’

‘Which is?’

A tremor of anticipation ran through her as Tyr’s gaze dropped to her lips. ‘Don’t think for one moment that I’m going to promise to obey you.’

‘And break the habit of a lifetime?’ Shaking his head in pretended dismay, Tyr smiled faintly as he glanced at the bed. ‘You’re such a bad girl, you’ve given me no alternative but to send you straight to bed.’

‘Really?’ She slanted a look at him. ‘I was hoping you might say that.’


THEIR HUNGER FOR each other remained fierce. Would they ever get enough of each other? Jazz wondered when Tyr finally swung out of bed around noon. And that was only because they’d heard helicopters overhead and knew it had to be the equipment he’d ordered.

‘I’ll be back soon—’ He emerged from the bathing tent dressed in a muscle-defining top and snug-fitting jeans that outlined his virile form with loving attention to detail. Rolling over in bed, Jazz closed her eyes on Tyr’s distracting below-the-belt architecture, which was currently putting a considerable strain on his jeans.

‘Be ready for me, Jazz. I’ll be hot and dusty, and in desperate need of your attention.’

‘Before you go—’

‘Jazz, there isn’t time for this.’

‘Are you sure?’ She spoke quietly and intently as she stared up at him. ‘The helicopter hasn’t landed yet.’

Tyr was already reaching for the zipper on his jeans. ‘You’re shameless.’

‘And you’re here, sex slave, so get on with your duties.’ Easing into position on the edge of the bed, she settled back and rested her legs on his shoulders. Tyr was standing up and looming over her, his leverage perfect. ‘I won’t keep you long,’ she promised shakily as he thrust deep.

She kept her word. Tyr did too. He worked skilfully to bring her the fastest maximum relief. But it still wasn’t enough. ‘I need more,’ she groaned when he withdrew carefully.

‘Keep that thought,’ Tyr advised as he secured his belt.

‘Now—’ She reached for him greedily.

‘If you’re going to disobey me, I may have to spank you,’ he warned.

‘And if you dare do that, I would have to send you straight to bed.’

‘It’s a deal, wife.’ Dipping low, Tyr smiled as he dropped a short, but seductive kiss on her lips.

Lying back on the cushions, she watched Tyr stroll across the pavilion towards the entrance. His sexy swagger made her hot for him all over again. Tyr was a highly sexual being and hers to love. What was not to like when the man she married was the love of her life and the hottest thing on two magnificent, hard-muscled legs?

‘When I’ve finished unloading the equipment, I’m taking you to watch the villagers fly their kestrels.’

‘Only when I’ve worn you out, I hope?’ she called back to him.

‘By that time your legs won’t hold you up.’

‘Then you’ll have to carry me to the dune to watch the kestrels flying.’

Tyr laughed. ‘That’s how I got into trouble the first time around,’ he reminded her as he ducked his head and left the tent.

Throwing herself back on the bed, she grabbed a cushion to cuddle. It was a poor substitute for Tyr, but he often made her wait, and one thing she did know: it was always well worth it.

* * *

When Tyr came back after unloading the equipment, they made love. It was very different this time as he embraced her in the gathering shadows of early evening. He kissed her gently on the lips as he moved, and it was as if he wanted to take his time to savour every moment, as if this was a precious interlude before everyday life intruded. Being close, and staring into each other’s eyes, added a special depth to their lovemaking. It wasn’t just a hunt for physical satisfaction that drove them now, but a desire to be one in pleasure, in aim and in life. This was love, Jazz realised as she stared into Tyr’s eyes.