‘Who do you think stood at my brother’s side when Sharif reclaimed the kingdom?’ she went on gently. ‘Who walked through the battlefield with Sharif so we could learn together what we had to do to repair the damage of our parents’ rule? I didn’t flinch then and I won’t flinch now, from whatever you have to tell me.’

He shook his head. ‘I don’t have time for this. I only wish I did. I can’t halt my work for selfish reasons. I can hardly keep pace with all the rebuilding in Kareshi as it is, so I certainly can’t indulge myself in marriage or children.’

‘You talk as if you’re doing this alone,’ Jazz interrupted. ‘But you’re not alone any longer, and I don’t want you to stop your work. I want to work with you, Tyr. I want our children to know the satisfaction that comes with building and repairing. I want to mine your time and your energy, and your vision for Kareshi. I want to share you with Kareshi. Just one small step at a time,’ she argued stubbornly when he obviously looked unconvinced. ‘And if there’s more you haven’t told me, I know you will, but not now, not all at once. Wounds take time to heal and even you can’t rush that process.’

‘You always were stubborn,’ he murmured, flashing her a glance.

‘You bet. And I haven’t changed,’ Jazz assured him.

Taking hold of both his hands, she stood in front of him. ‘Submit,’ she suggested in a whisper. ‘You know you’re stuck with me for life.’

A few tense moments passed and then with a laugh of triumph he kissed his love, his passion, his life, his soulmate Jazz, and one kiss led to another as the flame between them raged white-hot. There might have been people around, but neither of them noticed. Passion as fierce as theirs could accept no restrictions. They remained locked in their own world until the headman passed on his way home and made some remark. ‘What did he say?’ he asked Jazz.

‘He said a passion as fierce as ours is a blessing for the village,’ Jazz explained, smiling, her lush mouth still swollen from his kisses. ‘That blessing comes in the form of many children, all in the service of Kareshi.’

‘We’d better get on it, then.’

Jazz faked a punch. He dodged out of the way, then, grabbing hold of Jazz’s wrist, he strode back at speed towards the pavilion. He paused at the entrance. ‘You were scared for me?’ He wanted to hear her say it again.

She smiled into his eyes. ‘You have no idea, do you, Tyr?’

‘No idea about what?’ He frowned down at her.

‘About how much I love you, you inflexible, infuriating man. You have to accept people care about you, and I’m one of those people. So if you face a pack of wild dogs on your own, or any other danger you care to name, you’d better get used to the idea that I’m going to be right there by your side.

‘What are you doing?’ she demanded as he swung her into his arms.

‘Shutting you up the only way I know how.’

‘You can try,’ she fired back at him as he carried her into the pavilion.

‘That would be my absolute pleasure, Princess.’

Mine too, Jazz thought as Tyr started kissing her. Tyr was exactly what she needed—a challenge—a man she could pit herself against in every way. A man she could love, she amended as Tyr held her close and kissed her deep. Every inch of his hard, toned body was pressing into hers, and her desire for him had never been stronger.

‘Now, let’s get one thing straight.’ Dipping his head, Tyr hit her with his uncompromising stare. ‘You won’t put yourself in danger again, because if something happened to you—’ He stopped. He took a breath. ‘My life would be over. You’re everything I need, Jazz Kareshi.’

‘Jazz Skavanga,’ she reminded him, laughing as she wound her arms around his neck, sighing as Tyr kissed her neck.

‘I love you, Jazz Skavanga, and I won’t risk losing you ever again.’

‘You love me?’ Pulling back, she lifted her chin to stare into his eyes.

‘More than life itself.’

‘You love me,’ she repeated, savouring the words.

Reaching for her hands, Tyr enclosed them in his. ‘Will you marry me, Jazz?’

She laughed as she leaned forward to plant a kiss on his mouth. ‘We’re already married. Are you asking me to commit bigamy?’

‘I’m not sure that’s strictly possible when you’re marrying the same man, but when we marry this time, I want it to be for you and me, and not because tradition demands it, or the people demand it. So, what do you say, Jazz? Will you marry me?’