“Drop the act. We both know you’re never this relaxed.” Pan isn’t the casual observer. “Except mayberightafter you get your cock sucked.”
I raise my head with a smirk and open my eyes. “Busted.”
He may be annoyed with me, but there’s no mistaking his arousal. And I don’t mean I smell it; I mean I see it outlined against his jeans. He’s put a shirt on, which makes casual conversation much easier. “Why are you here?” he asks.
I give him an incredulous look. “To get her.” I point upstairs with my thumb. “We had an entire discussion about it.”
Pan rolls his eyes. “Why here? On the patio? Are you waiting for Scarlett? She doesn’t come down till noon.”
I scrunch my eyebrows. “Is it a spell?”
“What? No, it’s not a spell. She’s working, and only takes breaks at specific time intervals.”
I feign shock and clasp my shirt, over my heart. “Discipline? And you allow it?”
The thin line of his lips says he doesn’t find me amusing. How the tables have turned. He used to be the one clowning around, while I tried to keep a straight face.
A heartbeat later, he turns his gaze to the sky. “It’s not going to last. Bet she’ll break her no-binge-drinking resolution when she finds out what she is.”
“And when will that be?”
“Not today. She’s still settling into life halfway around the world from her country. Let her have some stability before we pull the rug out from under her.”
I concede with a grunt, though a few more days won’t make much of a difference.
“Good. Now that we’ve come to an understanding, feel free to make yourself scarce.” He dismisses me with a flick of his wrist.
I stand and stretch, not missing the way he flares his nostrils. He’ll never be indifferent to me, just like I’ll never be indifferent to him. And it doesn’t matter, because it’s just physical attraction. Nothing more.
“Lunch for the guests is served at one thirty,” he says. “I’m making rabbit stew.”
My favorite.
Nothing more than physical attraction.
“Why isthe wine here so… drinkable?”And why don’t I stop having it on an empty stomach?
Pan looks from me to the basket of freshly baked bread. “Maybe have something to soak it up, till I bring out the rabbit?”
“Rabbit?” I scrunch my nose. “Who are you? Elmer Fudd?” I keep my voice quiet, so it doesn’t carry to the nearby occupied table.
Ugh. Why did I ever decide to come down for lunch? If I’d stayed in my room, I could be more explicit about just how much I despise the thought of eating bunny.
“I assure you, it’s delicious.” Arnlaug’s voice makes me look up. And up. And little higher. He’s tall and muscular and looks untamable. There’s something wild—primal—about him, and it’s not the long, dirty-blond hair or the braided beard that shouldn’t look this sexy. Not the muscles or the tattoos faintly outlined through his shirt. Not his blue eyes, taking everything in, as he approaches with a smile. It’s…him. How he moves. The low timbre of his voice. How he sizes up its surroundings.
The reason I sat at the corner table was to put some distance between the guests and myself, but I wouldn’t mind Arnlaug’s company. If nothing else, he can provide inspiration for my book. After the success that wasThe Berserker who Loved me, I’m sticking with super-tall, well-built men for the foreseeable future. Writing-wise, at least. In reality, I’m sticking with my trusty vibrators, because a man like Arnlaug wouldn’t spare me a second glance even if he wasn’t watching Panos with a hungry gaze that makes me squirm.
Inviting him to stay was a stroke of brilliance. Panos is obviously into him, and I get to watch hot men flirt in their natural environment. Win-win.
I push out the chair to my right with my foot and say, “Why don’t you join me?” In a lower tone, I add, “You can have my portion too.”
I don’t miss the fleeting glance he and Panos exchange, or the subtle nod Panos gives him.Old friend, my ass. There was definitely more between them, and the lingering sexual tension is totally making it intoA Berserker, a god, and me. As a matter of fact, he’s what Drolk looks like, now on. I need to go back and change his hair and eye color. And add tattoos.
I beam at Panos when he places our food in front of us. “Why don’t you sit too? You’re done for now, no? I’d love to hear how you two know each other.”