The Valkyrie.
I sense her, now that Pan’s proximity isn’t muting my instincts.
I square my shoulders and widen my stance, as I turn to face her. I trust Pan not to run, but she made no promises.
The curvy woman in her mid-thirties, that comes up to my armpit at most, gives me a shy little finger-wave. Wild blonde curls frame a pretty face that turns breathtakingly beautiful when she smiles. “I’m guessing the two of you are a thing?” she asks. “I’m Scarlett.”
Scarlet. As inbright red. Odin’s nickname for her makes sense now.
“Arnlaug.” I offer my hand for a handshake, but Pan steps between us, his back to me.
“Arnlaug is an old friend, boss,” he says. “He’s not staying.”
She narrows her eyes and sidesteps, to look from me to him with an arched eyebrow. “I wouldn’t greet any of my old friends with such… fervor.”
“Yeah, well, I dance to the beat of my own drum,” Pan says.
Tell me about it.
She tilts her head and bites her bottom lip. “Is he dangerous?” she asks him.
Now Pan turns to study me. “No.”
I should be insulted, but warmth spreads inside. After everything, and knowing why I’m here, he trusts me.
“Then he’s staying,” she says. “We’re not full till tomorrow, and the family at Three won’t be here before the afternoon. It’ll give you time to catch up.” She winks.
Pan tucks his tongue behind his front teeth. Sighs. “Well, you heard the lady. Let me show you to your room.”
“Of all thegin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.” Pan glances at me over his shoulder.
I tear my gaze from his ass, to give him a blank stare as he points me to Room 101—the one farthest from Scarlett’s, judging from where I pick up her heartbeat. Pfft. As if a few stone walls can stop me. “What the fuck are you talking about?” I ask.
He opens the door and motions for me to enter, before following me inside and shutting it behind him. “I’m saying it’s odd that you came after the woman I was told to protect.”
“It’s odd that you’re protecting the woman I’m tasked with bringing in,” I counter. “Why are you? You wanted out. You got out. Why involve yourself with matters of the other gods now?”
Why stand against me?
“I’m not involving myself with anyone. Nyx told me Scarlett has a strong thread of destiny and needs to be protected.”
So he’s doing this for the mortal? “Do you love her?” The question scalds my tongue. Why? He and I have been over for a long while. It’d make sense that he’d go on with his life.
I haven’t.
“Love her?” His scoff sounds weak, and that burns. “I’ve only known the woman for a month. Doesn’t mean I’m okay with sacrificing her to your AllFather’s nefarious purposes.”
“They’re not—“
“You’d be the last person who’d know. You’re blind when it comes to him.” He runs both hands through his hair. Rubs his horns, like he does when he’s frustrated.
I’m frustrated too, that we’re having this argument again. Especially when, this time, we don’t need to. “Whatever may be the case, that’s no longer your business. You chose to make it not your business. So you, your little Valkyrie to be, and I will spend a lovely month getting to know each other, and in four weeks, I’ll take her to Odin.”
“No.” He clasps my wrist, his fingers acting like a shackle and searing me like a brand.