Page 81 of Forever Fated

“I c-called D-Dr. Bow,” Killian stammered, not looking away from her. “I know you mentioned waiting to find out the sex of the baby and you wanted to be surprised…”

Everly suddenly groaned next to her, putting her head down in her hands.

“But I can’t stand the wait on anything – which is why she’s making noises over there like some broken door hinge. Thanks a lot, Everly…”

“Watch it, Ricochet,” Maestro grinned, moving to stand behind his wife. “Your sister – but my wife and child.”

“What did you do?” Destiny asked quietly, interrupting the duo.

“I’m having s-second thoughts,” Killian hedged nervously, and then his eyes widened. “Not about us though! About what I did…”

“Which was…” Destiny prompted again.

“Look,” he said quietly, coming over to kneel before her. “I screwed up our wedding cake, and I wanted to surprise you… but I don’t want to mess this up too. I’m excited – thrilled to my toes – and I can’t stand not knowing if we are having a boy or a girl…”

“Killian, are we having a girl?” she said tearfully.

“I don’t know, bunny,” he whispered thickly. “I couldn’t cheat. I only wanted this moment with you – but I also don’t want totakeit from you either. There’s a good chance I might not be here when our baby arrives. I gave permission for Dr. Bow to tell Dixie, so she could bake us a special cake…”


“I want us to cut our ‘wedding’cake the right way this time – together – and find out if we are having a son or a daughter… but only if you want to,” Killian said quickly, his dark eyes searching hers. “If not, it’s okay. I don’t mind hearing the surprise over the phone if I’m not here. I asked Dixie to make a normal cake with no food coloring, no birthday candles,” he chuckled, smiling at her and touching her face tenderly. “But with lots of sprinkles just for my beautiful woman.”

“Oh mercy…” Destiny said tearfully, touched by his sweet romantic nature. He wanted to celebrate with her and was afraid not to be here when the baby came?

“I don’t want to take your choices, but I wanted to explain before Dixie brought out either cake… and I know my girl likes cake, so we can take the other home and have it on our anniversary, if you want?”

She looked around the room quickly and saw everyone was waiting, smiling supportively; no one was looking at them expectantly… it was truly her choice. As she looked at Killian, she saw that sheer love in his eyes, the pride in his smile, and knew what this was doing to him… to be patient, letting her choose, and giving up control.

“You will not mind what I decide?”

“Not in the slightest,” he whispered proudly. “I wanted to be ready in case you wanted to know – and if you don’t want to know yet? That’s perfectly okay with me, too.”

“Are you sure?”

“I am,” he said tenderly. “Just so long as you love me and put up with me.”

Killian turned slightly and smiled at Dixie.

“We’ll wait,” he said openly, looking back at her. “Wanna dance, sexy girl?”

“No,” she breathed, and saw his face drop in surprise. She didn’t look away from him as she called out to the other woman. “Dixie, bring the custom cake… and can someone record this or take photos for me? I want them for our baby book, please.”

Killian’s eyes searched hers as he clenched both of her hands in his.

“Are you sure?”

“I think it will be a lot easier to decide on a name and celebrate with you being here – rather than a ten-minute phone call that might be interrupted by breast feeding or a messy diaper.”

“Wait?! Is calling me with your boobs exposed an option?” Killian blurted out – and everyone started laughing wildly around them as Destiny shook her head at him, blushing fiercely and grinning.

“No, it’s not,” she laughed. “Not in the slightest, flyboy.”

He smiled wolfishly at her.

“… And if someone started recording already? Don’t delete that – because our kid deserves to know what kind of mess that he, or she, is being born into.”

“Paradise,” Killian said softly. “I love you.”