Page 65 of Forever Fated

“Yeah, she cried – and so did Caleb.”

“You stayed there overnight?”

Paradox swallowed and glanced at him, before speaking in a quiet voice – the arrogance completely gone.

“It’s not what you think, Ricochet… and I don’t want to talk about it. Did Destiny cry?”

“Yeah, a little. I think she was holding back,” Killian admitted, and then looked at him. “You want a beer? I really don’t want to feel a thing right now. I’ll buy.”

“Beer and chocolate? No, thank you,” Paradox muttered, taking a bite of the Twix. “But, whiskey would work…”

“Now you’re talking,” Killian chuckled, pressing the attendant button above him on the plane. A moment later a stewardess came by.

“Two whiskeys – and if you have anything chocolate at all? We’ll take two of those, too.”

“Thanks man.”

“You’ve always had my back,” Killian said quietly. “It’s the least I can do, brother – besides – I completely get how you feel, and I don’t really want to talk either.”

“Right?” Paradox chuckled tearfully, shaking his head and closing his eyes as he took another bite of the Twix, chewing. “This freakin’ sucks…”

“Yeah, it does.”

* * *

Nothing like pickingup all the pieces of a puzzle and throwing them in the airto see where they all land,Killian thought in disbelief and amazement as he listened to the speech before him…

“I’m excited to see what you do with your new team, Lieutenant Colonel Merrick,” Colonel Bradford said openly, pinning new ‘brass’ on Reaper in front of the team, shaking his hand. “I trust you will get them in shape and shake things up a bit.”

“With pleasure, sir.”

Paradox, standing beside him, cursed softly under his breath – and Ricochet nearly laughed, instead coughing at the last second. Yeah, there would be a lot less garbage that they all got away with… because Reaper had always followed rules closely.

“Men, I hope that you know I stand before you excited to take on the task and relieved that we can have one of our own representing us. I take pride in what we do, who we are, and have always believed that our squadron is our family… and none of that will change – although your wingman will, as of today.”

“What?” Riptide whispered, glancing down the line of men, looking as stunned as Killian felt.

“People come and go,” Reaper said quietly, “And we’ve been through so many changes over the years that I believe it’s been healthy to shake things up a bit. With change – comes growth… and my job is not only to make sure you come home after each flight, but to prepare the next leaders of tomorrow – you.”

They all stood there silently at parade rest – listening and seeing the approval on Colonel Bradford’s face. Killian knew that whatever was happening, was at the direct approval of the man above them all – who was watching on with interest.

“We’ve recently lost two of our own, demoted to civilians…” Reaper joked, smiling faintly. “Ghost and Maestro will always be in our hearts, but in their departure? We have a few new faces among our team.”

You could have heard a pin drop in that moment, despite the sounds of airplanes taxiing in the distances or jets taking off. The Army base in the distance was doing drills, and the sounds of them chanting carried across the sand as they jogged.

Afghanistan was a different world… in more ways than one.

“Ricochet, step forward please,” Reaper said loudly – and Killian nearly threw up in his mouth. Was he being called out to be made an example? Had something happened?

“First Lieutenant Briscoe… Ricochet,” Reaper said quietly, meeting his eyes as he stepped forward and saluted his superior ranking officer in that moment. He could feel all eyes behind him, boring into his back, as they all waited to see what was going on.

“It is my distinct honor to move you to squadron leader…CaptainBriscoe,” Reaper smirked and yanked the insignia off Killian’s uniform, replacing it silently while whispering to him. “We’ll talk in my office later. Surprise and congrats, buddy.”

“The pleasure is mine, sir!” Killian said loudly, saluting both men before returning to his position in line with the other men.

“Ricochet, your new wingman will be Cajun – who was just reassigned to our squadron. Welcome aboard, Cajun.”

“Thank you, sir!” the man standing at the end of the row said simply, saluting.