Page 63 of Forever Fated

Destiny took a second to swallow as she sniffed back tears, realizing just how sweet and good her knight in shining armor was – and how incredibly much she loved him. There would never be another person like him, and she was insanely blessed to have met him that night.

“Could you possibly pick me up? We all bought so much it will not fit in the two minivans.”

“Of course, but that means we are going on a breakfast date,” Killian chuckled easily.

“Scattered, smothered, diced, and chunked?” she whispered knowingly.

“Yeahhhh baby, you know it,” he drawled.

“Dang it,” Delilah said loudly. “I’m wanting Waffle House hashbrowns now.”

“Oh my gosh,” Emily said, looking at Karen – who nodded. “That sounds so freakin’ good right now.”

“I could go for some Waffle House,” Melody grinned. “Sophie?”

“Oh man, a pecan waffle… and then back to bed? Now you are speaking my language.”

“We’re gonna have company. You lucky man,” Destiny chuckled, “You are about to be surrounded by nine or ten hungry women.”

“Sounds like paradise.”

“But you only get to come home with one.”

“If it’s you – it still sounds like paradise,” Killian said softly. “I’m on my way, bunny. I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

“See you soon.”

“Love you.”

“Love you, too.”

Destiny eventually got up to the register as Killian walked into the store, finding her immediately… and of course arriving just as the cashier was scanning the pregnancy test.

“Ohhh?” he teased, pretending to look shocked. “Surely not…?”

“Would you just hush,” she laughed, elbowing him slightly as he slid an arm around her waist and nuzzled her ear, whispering to her.

“Okay, I’m saying sorry now, but that is so dang hot,” Killian rasped silently. “Can we skip breakfast and just go home?”

“Scattered, smothered, diced, and chopped though…?”

“Oh, I know,” he whined, and playfully stomped his foot, looking up at the ceiling. “What am I gonna do? Breakfast… or my favorite dessert?”

“Killian!” she balked, laughing and blushing… and the cashier’s eyes were wide as she looked anywhere but at the loving couple. “Can you behave?”

“No?” he chuckled. “Do you love me anyway?”

“More than anything,” she smiled, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek. “And I appreciate you coming to get me – so you don’t have to choose. You can have breakfast… and then your dessert,” she winked at him.

Killian threw back his head, laughing and hugging her.



Leaving wasthe hardest thing Killian had done in years.

Destiny was so brave, so quiet, and her eyes shining as tears streaked down her cheeks, standing there watching him load his bag onto his shoulder. She had offered repeatedly to take him to the airport, but he said no – and admitted he was afraid to cry in front of her.