Page 58 of Forever Fated

“I just need a minute and I’ll be ready to go.”

“We don’t have to go tonight, if you don’t want to.”

“Are you embarrassed to be seen with me at the concert?”

“What? No! Is that what you think?”

“That you regret marrying some broke, bar trash woman a little impulsively and trying to keep it a secret somehow… yeah, I’m starting to wonder.”

“Destiny,” he said softly, maneuvering around to sit directly in front of her and taking her hands in his. “I have never looked back, not once, since I have met you… and putting everything I can into our relationship. I promise. I’m going to screw up a lot over the years, but I am never embarrassed by you or regret any of this,” he explained tenderly. “I love you more than you will ever know – and would do anything to make you happy.”

“I want to meet everyone,” she challenged, looking up at him tearfully. “I want to meet your friends and to be introduced as your wife.”

“Done,” he said simply, not looking away from her.

“And a reception,” she said, hating the way her voice wavered with emotion as she struggled to hold back her tears. “I want to shove wedding cake in each other’s faces, take photos, so we can show our children someday.”

“I love that idea,” he murmured, releasing her hand to touch her cheek. “Please trust me when I say that I am so proud to have you at my side and would love to show you off to the world. I’ll admit that I was scared it might be a little too much for that frightened girl that stole into my heart over some Waffle House hashbrowns. I mean, I had to practically coerce you to order – and then you asked me to marry you? Oh yeah, I was hooked from the very beginning.”

She couldn’t help the tearful laugh that escaped her as she looked away, before turning back to him. “You promise?”

“I swear it,” he replied tenderly. “Forgive me for being a little possessive and wanting to keep you all to myself until you were head-over-heels in love with me?”

Nodding, she noticed that neither moved.

“Can I have a hug?” he whispered – and she immediately leaned forward into his arms, hugging him. “I’m lost without you, so please try to understand that I’m doing the best I can sometimes.”

“Me too,” she nodded against his shoulder.

* * *

The concert was exceedinglyloud and intense… and they loved it!

They bought concert shirts that had all the bands listed on the back. Each band played three of their biggest hits, so while she might not have recognized the name of the song – once it started playing, she was right there with him singing along.

He was excited, thriving in the lively environment, like a man possessed. She had never seen this side of Killian and laughed so much as he played air guitar openly, nodding and jumping around, singing to each song.

Her husband looked all prim and proper… but was a freak underneath! He was wild, and she half expected to see him get his eyebrow or tongue pierced, brandish several wild tattoos on his arms, anything to keep her from seeing the sedate Boy Scout-appearance to him, that she’d married.

In that moment, she knew that she wanted to see every aspect of him and needed him to know that he could let his ‘hair down’ – despite it being neatly kept for the Air Force. He was so reserved sometimes, and it was good to see him lose control or let loose.

She was going to get some Bluetooth speakers for the house, so when they danced the music would echo around them… and when they rocked their little one? She wanted lullabies to echo in every room. Maybe she would surprise him with a guitar, so he could play for their children or dabble on it for fun.

… And she was going to talk to Everly on Friday about what kind of music he preferred, wanting to surprise him.

As the concert began to wrap up, he grabbed their bag holding their concert shirts and pulled her protectively through the crowd, heading towards the car.

“Did you have a great time?”

“I did. That was fantastic! I love feeling the music echo through you, and one of the things our squadron leader tells us is to get a song to put our heads in the right place before a flight. Music affects everything.”

“What do you listen to before a flight?”

“You are going to laugh…” he smiled.

“Kid Rock? Bon Jovi? Guns and Roses?”

“Oh no,” he smiled. “Much more dramatic and professional, I assure you…The Ride of the Valkyriesby Richard Wagner. I love that music and first heard it on a cartoon.”