Page 54 of Forever Fated

“It happens when the time is right,” he said tenderly. “I just got home, there’s no pressure, let me just be close to you…”

He tugged her out of the kitchen and spun her slowly in the living room, smiling at her, causing Destiny to smile at him knowingly.

“Dancing again?” she murmured.


Killian slid his arm around her back and pulled her close, silently inviting her to lay her cheek on his shoulder before hesitating – and yanked his shirt over his head like he’d done last time.

She chuckled nervously and went back into his arms easily as he hummed softly between them, before digging in his pocket, turning on the music on his phone.

“No kissing, my beloved bunny?” he whispered against her throat.

“Conditional kissing,” she teased and heard his soft laugh, his breath tickling her skin as they swayed together.

“Did you mean what you said at Everly’s,” she asked, unable to help herself. “I know you might have felt pressured in the moment, but…”

“I meant every word,” he interrupted, putting a finger under her chin and turning her face upwards to him. “I have waited forever for someone to look at me the way you do,” he breathed. “I feel invincible when you watch me – and when you smile, joy radiates from your eyes, and I feel that I could take on the world. I love that you are proud to be married to me, jumping into the deep end at my side when we both know there’s a chance that we could drown…”

“But what if we discover something beautiful hidden in those waters?” she urged, realizing it sounded so childlike and fantastical.

“I’m confident that whatever is there, will be beautiful because of this,” he replied softly, kissing her gently on the lips. Just the way he turned her face towards him, so tender, so unassuming, made her melt as he slowly began to coax a response from her, deepening the kiss.

His arms released her as his hands moved to the waist of her jeans – and she caught him nervously, pulling back from him. His dark eyes held hers as he waited patiently… and then slowly walked backwards towards their bedroom, his hands still on her jeans tugging her forward with him.


“Who?” he said playfully, grinning at her.

“Sprinkles,” she amended, laughing nervously and adoring this playful side to him as he turned on a lamp in the bedroom. “I should probably go change.”

“Later…” he urged softly. “Trust me, my heart. I will never hurt you. I promise.”

“Kiss me again,” she breathed, hating the way her voice trembled and cracked.

“I will kiss you always and forever,” he murmured, leaning forward to kiss her once more and pausing just before their lips touched. She cracked open her eyes to see that he was smiling tenderly at her… and felt him unbutton her jeans, not looking away. “But those are still coming off, my beautiful shy bride.”

Before she could say a word – Killian captured her mouth and pulled her into his arms.

* * *

Later,Destiny lay there in the circle of Killian’s arms… unable to wipe the smile off her face in the darkness. Flashes of intense moments raced through her mind, brief glimpses that would forever be branded in her heart as he held her, loved her, whispered sweet nothings to her, promising to give her the world in exchange for her heart…

Every moment was perfect, every caress breathtaking, and the expression of wonder on his face had to have mirrored her own.

He teased her about the no kissing rules, reminded her of his own stipulations, making her laugh… creating their love into a thing of joy and happiness, not something to be feared and dreaded. His breathless sighs and the way she reacted to him, pulling them closer together.

Noneof this was a transaction in the slightest – and her mind was reeling with the miracle that they’d found so unexpectedly.

They had truly made love between them… and she told him so, laughing joyfully when it was completed, commanding him to ‘do that again’ like he was some robot, as he began laughing in disbelief and wonder.

“As you wish, my love…” he had smiled, pulling her into his embrace once more.

Killian’s gentle voice interrupted her thoughts.

“Are you dreaming about me?” he whispered softly, dropping a kiss against her hair.

“Maybe…” she said evasively, smiling. “Or you just woke me up so I could stroke your ego and say, ‘Why yes Killian – I was absolutely dreaming of you’.