Page 50 of Forever Fated

“What in the world is going on?” his mother whispered, looking completely shocked and scandalized, laying a hand over her breastbone as if to calm herself.

“And who is Mallory kissing in the doorway?” his father interrupted in confusion, causing Killian to look over his shoulder at the same time that Destiny, Maestro, and Everly all angled to get a peek.

Sure enough, Paradox and Mallory were indeed holding each other in an embrace, and he was kissing her with a tenderness that he didn’t think the other man was capable of.

This was the guy that cracked his knuckles at Nana? The same man that got Reilly’s computer confiscated? Where was the guy that thrived on chaos and earned his call sign for a reason?

“What?” Everly began.

“Am I at the right place?” a woman called out nervously from behind the couple in an embrace.

“Megan! C’mon in – just step around them… and welcome to my family’s circus. We’ve got ringside seats over here,” his sister invited the newest arrival that was leaning away from the couple, trying to give them plenty of space.

“What in tarnation is happening here in Yonder?” Killian’s father balked, staring at everyone like they’d lost their minds – only to hear the timer beep in the background.

“Turkey is ready,” Everly volunteered.

“Gosh, I seriously love you, woman…” Maestro said openly, laying a hand on his sister’s abdomen – only to hear her laugh happily.

Killian pulled Destiny forward to introduce her to his parents, as everyone tried to move away from the front doorway where Paradox was still holding Mallory, whispering to her softly in a private conversation between the two of them.

“Mom? Dad? How have you been? How has the traveling been for both of you?” Killian said openly, hoping they didn’t get upset or berate him for the last time he spoke with them.

He had been quite upset at them selling the house, abandoning his sister, and still had issues with it – but would try to put them aside, because this was family and he wanted to introduce his wife.

“Destiny, these are my parents, Jill and Kevin Briscoe.”

To her credit, Destiny smiled despite her being nervous and he could see it, moving to shake their hands – only to have his mother, pull her close, hugging her, causing Killian to chuckle.

“I forgot Mom was a hugger.”

“Men shake hands, right?” his father said, holding out his hand – and then tugging Killian forward to hug him as well, only to feel something pushing against his leg bodily and tugging at his pants. Killian looked down to see Caleb holding up his arms, jumping up and down, and caught his sister smiling at him.

“Well, hey buddy… if your daddy married my sister? That makes me your uncle, now doesn’t it?” Killian said, scooping up Caleb and putting him on his hip. “And this is your Aunt Destiny.”

Destiny turned to look at him, smiling, and there was such emotion in her eyes that he felt his knees buckle for a moment before recovering. Oh yeah, he was going to make beautiful babies with this woman he loved… and hesitated.

He was falling in love with Destiny.

“See this beautiful woman with the prettiest eyes, Caleb?” Killian said softly, not looking away from his wife. “She’s your Aunt Destiny. Can you say ‘hello’ and give her a big hug? She loves children.”

Destiny chuckled softly as Caleb stuck out his arms towards her, immediately wrapping them around her neck tightly, hugging her.

“Hulloo Annie-dafanny,” Caleb struggled – and smiled.

“That’s perfect,” Destiny grinned, hugging him sweetly and winking at Killian.

“Do you want some coffee, Annie-dafanny?” Killian teased, moving past her, daring a playful swat on her backside affectionately, causing her to jump and burst out laughing nervously as he grinned happily.

“I’d love a cup.”

“I’ve got you – and that cute fanny,” he whispered playfully, winking at her.



Destiny couldn’t stop smiling…and blushing as the afternoon wore on. Killian was so attentive and sweet, always touching her hand, rubbing her back between her shoulder blades, or dropping a tender kiss at her temple.