Page 44 of Forever Fated

Maestro and Reaper… Two of the most secretive people on the team.

“I guess we wait?” Sparky whispered in disappointment.

“I guess so,” Killian agreed.

“And I guess I’m not in trouble after all,” Paradox volunteered – walking boldly out the doorway with his bag of popcorn, tossing another kernel into his mouth.



Destiny lookedat the box of receiving blankets she got in the mail yesterday… sighing happily. He’d sent a package of onesies a few days ago, and before that a pillowy quilt that had pastel colors all over it.

Killian was supposed to be home in two weeks, and these were gifts from a man that obviously wanted more between them. They’d kept their discussions off the subject, focusing on friendship, but that longing for a family was obviously building between them.

In fact, he should be receiving his package anytime now. She’d mailed him a box after realizing that maybe it would make him feel good too. Every time he surprised her, she felt almost precious… treasured.


Even now, sipping her coffee and reading his email – she could hear his voice in her mind, imagining the warmth and timbre of it.

Hey Beautiful,

I heard from my sister this morning. Everly is having Thanksgiving at her home, and I would like you to meet her – and my parents. They are going to be traveling back down this way and I haven’t seen them in years. Do you mind terribly? Would you come with me and meet my family?

The concert will be so much fun…

I saw the tickets you forwarded to me, and we’ll have pretty good seats, I think. This will be the first time we go to a concert together and we should get a few photos together for a family album or something so our little one can look at it later on when they get older… if that is still on your mind?

I wish I could say more – but sometimes things are better said in person, you know? I miss you so much and wish I could see your smile. You certainly left an impression on me, my sweet bunny.

Your mushy husband,


* * *

Hearing a knock at the door,she couldn’t help but smile as she realized it was yet another mysterious delivery from Killian. He was sending something every few days to her, making her feel all fuzzy and warm on the inside.

It was funny that they were both thinking about a child without discussing it, because she found a watercolor picture at Goodwill last weekend that was of a plane in the sky. It was truly the first piece that was placed in the empty bedroom that would eventually become a nursery. The pastel hues glowed against the pale-yellow walls, and immediately made it feel warm and welcoming.

She could see a crib in here, maybe a little throw rug, and a rocking chair… and as she closed her eyes?

Her mind painted a masterpiece mentally. She imagined Killian standing there in the golden light of the room, cradling a baby in his arms tenderly. He would be so good, so sweet, and make such an incredible daddy. Not just a father, but a true daddy. Their child would be loved, even if he didn’t love her – and she could see it.

A tear streaked down her cheek that she quickly wiped away, moving to get the package off the front porch. Opening the door, she saw it was a soft envelope and nearly laughed, wondering what other items he’d bought for their ‘future-baby’ someday. Probably a little flight jumpsuit, or a tiny Air Force t-shirt to match the one he’d sent her a month ago… maybe a little plushie for decoration?

Tearing it open, she hesitated and doublechecked the address, peering once more inside and blushing fiercely. Pulling out the paper, she saw it was the order slip and there was a note put in the comment box.

I dreamed of you in this…


Her hands shook as she withdrew the satin and lace outfit that was obviously meant for intimacy… and he’d dreamed of her in it? He was thinking of her, like that? Intimately?

Heart racing, she held it up to her and noted at how tiny the straps were… and how revealing something like this would be. This was not a gift between friends. He’d selected something that a husband would give a wife, that a man would give his lover.

… And Killian selected it for her.