Page 17 of Forever Fated

Cro-Magnon heroics at their finest commencing in three…



Killian coughed – and literally beat his fist on his chest, unable to resist, fighting back a smile.

Thank goodness she can’t read my mind,he thought wildly as they walked in the courthouse together. He watched her delicate movements, unable to keep his eyes off of her, realizing that this beautiful flower was going to be his wife.

His person.

… And felt the strangest feeling overcome him.

He felt…lucky.


Time ticked by as they waited their turn, sitting on a pew together. Both of them were tapping a foot and Destiny was popping her knuckles anxiously. She glanced at her watch a few times… and he realized that he should probably try to reassure her it was going to be alright, or try to hold her hand.

What kind of husband forgets to put his bride’s feelings first?

Killian moved to take her hand in his – only to hear their names called.

It was time.

They both shot up from their seats and looked at each other in surprise, before sharing a smile as they made their way to the front of the small courtroom to exchange their vows. He could barely hold the pen to sign the marriage license, his palms were sweating, and he was so nervous.

This is a heckuva mistake, Killian… his brain was screaming – yet something in him was just as loud, telling him to relax. It was like the two little cherubs snapping at each other from a cartoon character’s shoulders, warring it out, making him wonder who would win.

He took her hands in his, looked at her large hazel eyes… and realized that one of the little cherubs had lost the fight already.

Those warm greenish-brown eyes gazed at him with such open admiration, looking at him like he was the prince in some fairytale, that he found himself falling into them. He was numbly repeating his vows, lost in the moment… and her smile.

Her smile was everything.

Where had this woman come from?

“Killian…?” Destiny whispered softly, her voice faint and trembling.


“The magistrate is talking to you,” she breathed nervously, looking away from him to the judge, who was watching them with one eyebrow uplifted and smirking.

“Do you have the rings? If not, we can skip that part.”

“Let’s skip,” Destiny said quickly, nodding.

“No,” Killian interrupted, causing her head to whip around in shock as her beautiful eyes widened even further.


“Give me your hand,” he said simply, digging in his pocket as he realized his hands were trembling badly. He never imagined marrying someone, much less a stranger, and couldn’t fathom anything more perfect than this moment right now.

Destiny’s eyes were filling with tears as she looked at him – and he had to blink several times himself as he chuckled nervously, realizing that he’d surprised her and found himself wanting to do so repeatedly.

He held her hand, marveling at how long and delicate her fingers were… and looked at her once more.

“I’m so glad we are doing this,” he whispered openly straight from his soul, realizing it was true. He slid the ring over her finger, pushing it easily over her knuckle, and saw her hesitate.