Page 13 of Forever Fated

“Simple as that?”

“Hard facts,” he nodded, and went back to writing.

“What are you writing down now?” she asked curiously after seeing him start another sheet of paper.

“This?” he said glancing up at her. “A list of furniture.”

“I don’t really need much,” she hedged. “Just a crib and…”

“And a bed, a couch so we have a place to sit, a crib, maybe a small dinette so we can have a meal together when I come back into town in a few months.”

“I can make breakfast for you,” she hedged nervously, feeling like she needed to be kind to the man that was going along with her insane plans. “I make a hashbrown casserole and quiche when I have the time or ingredients…”

“Ohhhh,” he said softly, closing his eyes and smiling. “That sounds divine, and I would appreciate it. I absolutely love quiche. All the melty cheese, the eggs, the buttery crust…”

“Why aren’t you three hundred pounds?” she laughed nervously and saw his smile.

“I’ve got a mouth on me and have to run a lot as punishment from my boss – on top of my daily jaunts at the gym. We must keep in shape, and I promise they do not feed me nearly as much as I could put away, if they’d only let me. Now, any requests?”

He sat there looking at her expectantly watching her.

“Requests for what?”

“Is there anything you need handled while I am out tomorrow? I am only in town for two days and then I’ll be flying back in a few months.”

“Oh no,” she whispered nervously. “This is plenty and a little overwhelming honestly. I just figured it was going to be us going to the justice of the peace,that, and then parting ways.”

“Nope. If we are going through with this, then I would like us to get along and try to form a friendship.”

“That’s probably best, I suppose.”

“Now, I need your information to add you to my insurance, my benefits, and set up a bank account…”

“For what?” she said startled, looking at him.

“I like that you honestly look shocked right now,” he said openly. “That makes me feel a little better and a little less on edge. I would want to open a joint bank account that we both have access to – so if you need something for the baby? I could transfer money to you instantly and still keep some things separate between us. Don’t take this the wrong way – but wearestrangers.”

“Very much so.”

“While I certainly don’t mind helping in the slightest, there is a few key things you should know about me,” he began, and looked a little uncomfortable. “I don’t trust easily, so I would like to keep separate accounts.”

“I completely agree.”

“I also do not share,” he said pointedly, looking at her. “Is there a boyfriend or someone in your life that I need to know about? Because if we go through with this – I expect complete fidelity. No dating, no talking to other guys, and certainly no sleeping around. I don’t mean to be rude about it, but I’m also not going to sugar-coat things. If you marry me – then you getme, period.”

“I’m glad we are talking about this,” she admitted. “Because it’s the same for me. If we do this, then you better not give me something soap won’t wash off… am I clear? There’s no one in my life and I certainly don’t want some other person showing up on my doorstep.”

“Completely,” he nodded, “And thank you for being candid. I really appreciate that. I don’t want to ever wonder or question…”

“You won’t,” she interrupted. “I believe in loyalty.”

“Can you think of anything else?”

“Honestly, my mind is reeling,” she admitted. “It’s been a lot this evening, well, the last three hours. I’m a little taken aback by your kindness and the fact that you are willing to…” she waved her hand nervously.

“Is that our code?” he teased, waving his hand too… causing the both of them to chuckle knowingly. “Relax. Tomorrow will be strange, but then when Saturday rolls around, it will be back to life as usual… but with a few more creature comforts. You’ll have a friend to help out – and a partner. I’ll have a home and a place to go when I need to get away. Ah! That was what we forgot to talk about…”

Killian ripped off another sheet of paper, smiling easily.