Page 94 of Forever Fated

“Hush,” she whispered, blushing immediately. “You are something, you know that? I swear there is no filter on your mouth sometimes.”

“And you love it…”

“Oh gosh, I really do,” she breathed, meeting his eyes.

“I just want to whisk you away, pretend we haven’t a care in the world, and take you to paradise,” he confessed, needing to make her happy. “I thought maybe going away for a little vacation might be nice.”

“Paradise is having you home,” she admitted. “We don’t have to go anywhere for this to be special.”

“I know,” he said in understanding. “I’m coming home in September – for good. I was going to tell you over a glass of wine on the porch of the cabin I rented overlooking Lake Tahoe… but I need to see the happiness in your eyes, and it’s been missing. I love you, bunny.”

“You’re coming home?”

“I’m done,” he breathed. “My obligations are done, and I get my release in September. I should be home before Dillon’s first birthday.”

“Really?” she began – and he could see the tears in her eyes.

“You should have told me you were lonely or if you needed help,” he chided softly, smiling as Cate was singing ‘Itsy Bitsy Spider’ to Dillon where he slept in his seat. “You are first in my heart, my world, my universe… and if Mama isn’t happy, then no one is,” he teased, smiling at her.

Thankfully, she smiled back… and he relaxed.

“There’s my beautiful soulmate,” he whispered, leaning to kiss her, and savoring the feel of her lips against his, creating that exquisite sensation of completion within him. “I adore you,” he breathed against her mouth, “and nothing else matters, but what we have built together.”

She curled her hand around his neck, deepening the kiss between them, and he felt himself start to respond – and regretfully pulled away.

“Did I mention there is a hot tub at the cabin?” he said huskily.

“No, hot tub…” she said softly, giving him a knowing look.

“Why not?”

Her eyes met his – and widened as she smiled proudly.

“I’m due in March.”

“Again?” Killian laughed happily. “Oh my gosh, my sweet bunny… that’s fantastic! Are you excited? I don’t know what to say – except ‘GOOD,’ because I sure love making children with you.”

“Everly said you should be neutered for getting me pregnant six months after Dillon arrived,” Destiny chuckled, grinning proudly at him.

“Oh, she’s just jealous…”

“Yeah, she is. She and Alex are trying for another one too – and I think she wanted to beat us in the headcount.”

“I’m fine with not using the hot tub… but definitely insist on some private time alone with my bride.”

“Absolutely,” she agreed.

He moved to the side and helped her into the plane. He couldn’t resist a quick feel of her backside as she climbed in, causing his sweet wife to blush at him just like she did when they first married.

Destiny turned to look at him – and he just winked at her.

“Pilot privilege,” he grinned – and she rolled her eyes.

“Get your pilot-butt into the seat and fly this thing,” she ordered, chuckling. “I keep hearing about this great cabin in the woods that you rented, and you are dawdling. I got a text from Alex and Everly that they are all already there, waiting on us to arrive…”

“Buckle your seatbelt,” he grinned, climbing into his seat. “I’m going to take you to the heavens…”

“Seems like I’ve heard that before, flyboy,” she teased, smiling widely at him as he turned, winked at her over his shoulder, just seconds before their plane surged forward, lifting off effortlessly.