Page 77 of Forever Fated

“Hang onto your seat,” she laughed knowingly, having already spoken with Everly – and Glory. The woman had come right out and asked her if she minded having a few extra people at the baby shower, because ‘There was a single hottie that needed a wittle-something-squishy-to-wuv-on…’

It had been so funny when Glory scrunched up her face, making baby talk, and describing how she wanted to set up the newest pilot that both Everly and Destiny had tears running down their face, laughing so hard. The woman was insatiable hearing that she was going to get to set up someone… and there was a distinct ‘method’to it.

It was also a little surprising to hear that Glory had set up Abby and Houdini… and Mary with Ghost. There was some debate on whether she was responsible for Hot Cakes and Karen – Harley said ‘No,’ but Glory was sure it was because of her involvement that the two met and married.

“What do you mean?” Riptide asked warily.

“You are going to be indoctrinated into the Flyboys family over the next few days…” she smiled knowingly, glancing at Killian who winked at her. “And it’s the best thing in the universe having someone at your side.”

“Yeah, I don’t think anything like that is happening,” Riptide smiled easily, looking at them. “I think if I have a chance to relax, unwind, maybe meet with a few friends, or find something interesting to do? Then I’ll be very happy with my vacation away from ‘the sandbox’.”

“You are about to meet a newfamily,” she reiterated – and started the car.

* * *

Twenty minutes later,they were all walking forward to greet the throng of men and women walking out of the building and the hangar towards them… and nearly laughed in relief.

“Destiny! Ricochet! Go home and say ‘hello’properly,” Alpo hollered knowingly, wrapping his arm around his wife’s waist.

“We’ve got him in our clutches now,” Glory yelled playfully.

“Sup, Flyboy! I’m Firefly… this here is Armadillo – and that big, quiet ogre that is glaring at everyone? That’s Valkyrie.”

“I swear, Firefly…” Valkyrie muttered, chuckling, raising a hand and waving them off before Armadillo gave them two thumbs up with a massive, knowing smile.

Houdini laughed – also waving.

“Bye,Ricochets…” he teased. “See you tomorrow for the baby shower – and then on Saturday for Mexican food in town.”

“If you can walk…” Firefly called out obnoxiously, causing everyone to laugh – including Killian and Destiny, who was blushing fiercely.

“He means well, bunny…” Killian began, opening the passenger side door for her. “Just ignore him.”

Destiny smiled at him knowingly, and winked.

“It’s a valid concern,” she said breathlessly – and saw Killian’s smile grow as he met her eyes.

“Have I told you just how much I love you?”

“Not yet,” she pouted. “I’m feeling very neglected, too.”

“We should go home and remedy that.”

“Immediately,” she agreed, not backing down from the desire building in his heated gaze as he got into the car, putting the key in the ignition.

As they drove home, Killian held her hand the entire time and kept touching her growing tummy, almost in amazement. She loved the expressive glances he was giving her and was so glad to see him, share this with him.

“I can’t wait until you feel him or her moving around…” she whispered softly, laying her hand over his where it rested on her tummy, just as they pulled into the driveway.

“Her,” he said hoarsely, smiling at her. “I’m still hoping it’s a girl – but will be thrilled if it’s a boy, too.”

“Healthy,” she whispered in understanding. “I just want our baby to be healthy when it decides to make an appearance in a few months.”

“Exactly,” he said, opening the car door and jogging quickly around the front of her car to where she was opening the door already. “I’m going to get my bag later… once I finish saying ‘hello’.”

Killian started to pick her up into his arms – and she backed away quickly, holding up her hands in protest. He glanced at her in surprise and paused.

“Nope, flyboy… no carrying me across the threshold,” she began, grinning at him. “Precious cargo on board, and I’m not taking any chances with the extra forty pounds I’ve got lumped around my midsection. If waddling with this makes me feel clumsy, I don’t want you carrying me or tripping.”