Page 74 of Forever Fated

“Morning sickness has finally hit, huh?” he said tenderly. “And if you didn’t know it, I love hair that stands on end, and drool trails are superbly sexy.”

“Oh geez…” Destiny choked out a laugh.

“I love you, bunny, and wish I was there to nuzzle my two favorite people in the whole world.”

“Killian…” she whimpered, and he could hear the tears in her voice.

“Nope, no crying,” he urged, himself getting misty-eyed. “This is twenty-one minutes of dirty talk. Did you do laundry? I ordered some bulbs and had them shipped to the house so I can plant them when I come home next. I want lots of flowers for my pretty girls.”

He hesitated. The idea of having a daughter was suddenly fixated in his mind, and made his heart skip a beat.

“A girl?” she whispered, catching the slip.

“I would love a little girl with your smile and sweet disposition,” he answered honestly, “… And a big, nasty-looking shotgun to keep the boys away from my daughter.”

Her laughter was everything.

“I already told you that I wanted her to have your eyes… and what if I wanted a sweet boy like his daddy?”

“Oh no,” Killian teased. “Boys are messes and hard to handle.”

“Girls are dramatic, clingy, and hormonal…”

“They are also infinitely sweet, give the best hugs, and make their daddy feel like a superhero…” he whispered. “I could see us as a family. I can see having a little girl climbing into my lap, laying against my shoulder, and sucking her thumb. Maybe we can get some little white tights or a ruffled diaper cover?”

“You’ve been buying boyish pajamas this whole time, silly.”

“So maybe we have more than just one baby…” he breathed. “I want as many children as God gives us, because there is nothing like the feeling I get when I am in your arms.”

“While that is wonderfully sweet,” she said hesitantly. “I’m going to need to get through this first one, and about to start munching on crackers so I don’t throw up.”

“Munch away, my love. I don’t mind and you know it.”

He heard her take a bite and let out a shaky breath, not wanting to pressure her or distract from her ‘calming’ her stomach.

“I put in for time off in May,” he offered softly while she crunched down on another cracker. “I’m sorry it’s so far off, but I want to see your pretty little belly and thought maybe we could have a baby shower while I’m there? I’d like to be a part of this as much as I can… and it’s a little hard from here.”

“I would really like that.”

“And then I can come back when you get close to delivery,” he continued as she crunched away noisily. “I’d like to be home, if possible, when our baby comes… or not long afterwards, so I can help out.”

“That sounds perfect.”

“Are you feeling any better?”

“Much. Thank you…”

“Great. Now, back to sexy talk… we’ve got twelve minutes left.”

Destiny laughed easily again, and he closed his eyes in sheer pleasure hearing that sound, needing to commit it to memory.

“You didn’t ask what I’m wearing…” he teased. “Hmmm?”

“What are you wearing?” she asked dutifully, chuckling.

“Oh, you know,” he said evasively, grinning. “Tighty-whiteys, tube socks, a white t-shirt, and some loose coveralls. No meetings today, so I don’t have to get all ‘fancy-fied’, but they do require clothing in the mess hall. Bunch of prudes...”

“Oh mercy… Killian,” she giggled sweetly, and he melted.