Page 73 of Forever Fated

“What’s this?”

“Special delivery from my favorite elf…” he acknowledged, smiling. “Merry Christmas. Who else wants one?”

They all started rushing over excitedly as he handed out the ‘gifts’ – and saw Paradox still sitting on his bunk, mulishly looking away from the others. The man was still seething, and he could see it.

It hurt Paradox so deeply to know he was passed up for promotion when he was due by time long before Killian was. He scooped up the gifts for his friend and walked over, only to see him look up and give him that classic stare.

“Can I help you…sir?”

“Merry Christmas, brother,” Killian said softly, taking a seat beside him. “I miss our friendship and I know you are mad – but I swear I didn’t know.”

Paradox looked at him, uttered a small curse under his breath, and leaned forward to hug him unexpectedly.

“I miss our friendship, too – and I’ve just got a lot going on in my head.”

“If you ever need to talk…”

“I know who I can turn to…”


“And if that’s oatmeal-raisin, I’m gonna whip your…”

“Double chocolate chunk,” Killian interrupted, laughing. “’Oatmeal doesn’t belong in cookies’, remember?” he said, quoting Paradox.

“Amen,” he grunted and hesitated, looking at him warily. “Long distance is hard, isn’t it.”

“It’s torture,” Killian admitted – and did the unthinkable.

He got out his wallet and handed Paradox two of the five calling cards he’d bought this morning, knowing he was giving up his time with Destiny… but he needed someone here to have his back, too – just as Reaper had asked him.

Paradox stared at him in shock.

The long-distance calling cards were like gold here, and he was basically handing his friend a ‘fortune’ – and giving a part of himself.

“Call Mallory for Christmas,” he whispered, and knew everyone behind them was listening. “You’ve always been my brother, had my back, and I would give up everything to have our bond once more, my friend. Call your girl, hear her voice, and take a minute for yourself, because you have always done everything for me… and I know it.”

“Are you sure?”


“Ricoch…Killian,” Paradox’s voice cracked, “Merry Christmas, brother.”

“Merry Christmas, Joshua,” Killian said quietly, hugging him and patting him on the back once more.

They never used each other’s first names – ever – but they were close… and he sensed that this man would be his ‘brother’ for life as he navigated the choppy waters of a relationship with Mallory, whom Killian considered a half-sister to him and always had.

Then, in the silence, as clear as day… came Sparky’s voice.

“Are you two ‘girls’cycling together? Sheeeesh…”

* * *

Killian smiledand cleared his throat, beginning again, lost in the memory of earlier in the day.

“Well, Santa’s favorite elf came through for him… and I can’t tell you how much I appreciated it, Destiny. You are incredible – and the best gift ever, my love.”

“Aww,” Destiny whispered. “You might not say that if you saw your hormonal wife right now,” she chuckled. “I’m sleeping in your concert shirt, my hair is standing on end, there’s drool on my chin, and a bowl beside the bed in case I get sick – along with crackers.”