Page 70 of Forever Fated

“You don’t sound very happy about making rank, or you sound like something’s on your mind…”

“You know me too well, my gentle bunny,” Killian laughed softly. “I’m supposed to re-up my contract in six months, and it’s very tempting to become a ‘lifer’. When you make rank, it’s all prestige. You see the path of advancement, and it’s something I always wanted.”

“Then what changed?”

“You,” he said gently. “Us. Our family. Falling in love with the most incredible woman in the world has made me rethink a few things, and I’m honestly scared to make a wrong move. If I leave, then our income and benefits change. There’s no pension and a slew of other things – but if I stay? Then I miss out on moments, miss my family, and miss my sweet bunny’s cold feet on me at night.”

Both of them laughed softly together at the memory of the first time he yelped, nearly jumping from the bed where they were cocooned in each other’s arms.

“I love you, sweet man,” she chuckled.

“And I love you, Destiny – never doubt it.”

“I don’t… and it sounds like you have some time to decide, so we can talk more when we have privacy, time to think, or make a chart of pluses and minuses on the changes. I understand wanting to have security probably more than anyone else… and know how you must have felt with the loss of your home, Everly being alone, etc.,” she admitted gently, trying not to alarm or panic him before the call ended. “We are in different places mentally – and never alone. Just remember that.”

“How’d you get so smart?”

“I married this fantastic guy who kept reminding me that we were friends and partners.”

She heard his ragged breath as he sighed heavily.

“I soooo needed to hear that,” he admitted. “Thank you.”

“Of course…”

“If I could just get the guys to lay off me now, instead of testing me at all times,” he muttered.

“Why don’t you do something together – all of you – as a team building exercise? A contest? Or something to show them you are still their buddy – and their boss.”

“I’ll think of something.”

“And I’ll send you some goodies to help with ruffled feathers.”

“Thanks, hon,” Killian chuckled. “My timer is almost up.”

“Yup,” she smiled. “I bought an egg timer to watch the clock, too.”

“Love you, sweet mama.”

“I love you, big daddy.”

“Oh geez…” he laughed easily, sounding so much better. “Bye, babe.”


As the call ended, she sighed happily – and heavily.

She had no idea how many years he had left in the Air Force to get his pension and knew taking care of her or a family weighed heavily on his mind. He was always trying to be her knight, her hero… and she wanted to help – but sometimes helping was just supporting, understanding, and being there.

Whatever Killian chose – she would have his back.


Opening her computer, she placed an order to be shipped directly to Killian – and hoped he enjoyed it. It was nothing too special, but a variety of goodies and treats for the team.

Some Grandma’s Cookies individually wrapped, packs of razors, ten pouches of Big-League Chew bubble gum, ten fluffy colored plastic loofahs along with ten small bottles of shower gel – and deodorant… and one bottle of Pert Plus for her sweet man.

Killian was a massive fan of scented shower gel and adored taking showers, telling her several times about how he preferred the soap at home versus what was provided.