Page 6 of Forever Fated

“A side of grits with butter?” she hedged, looking at him warily.

“Oh dang… I can’t believe I forgot my grits!” he exclaimed, slapping his forehead. “I need a side of grits, too. Anything else?”

“Nooo,” she chuckled, shaking her head again as she looked at him in surprise. “I’m not sure if I will finish all of mine.”

“More for me,” he said simply, rubbing his stomach and winking at both women – who burst out laughing at his outrageous behavior.

“Your man is gonna eat you out of house and home,” the waitress smiled tenderly at Destiny – and to his surprise?

Destiny didn’t say anything.

She just flushed and looked away nervously – and it got him to thinking the wildest thoughts that he should definitely not be having right now.

“You never told me your email so I can send you a record that the car is paid off,” he began, getting out his phone… and looked up at her silence.

“I don’t have an email,” she said quietly and then smiled at the waitress as the woman brought out their drinks. “Thank you, Carole.”

“You’re welcome,” she said simply.

Killian smiled at the use of the waitress’s name. Destiny was observant and obviously was trying to be exceedingly nice to the other woman. It was always the small things people remembered – and he liked that she’d taken the time to notice the woman’s name badge, because that was something he would do.

“What’s your cell number and I’ll text you a screen shot, so you have it for your record in case he tries to pull anything,” Killian hedged, fighting the urge to smile, because that was actually a slick move Maestro would use. Texting a screenshot to Destiny would mean that he could now call or text her after this meal together.

Except she was making a face and looking away.

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t have a cell phone – or email.”

“You don’t? Then how do you…”

“Not everyone has to be on a computer,” she said defensively, and he decided to let the matter drop – quickly.

“Soooo?” Killian began the moment the waitress left them. “What did you want to know about me? I’d like to pick your brain, but I’m guessing you don’t trust me yet – so you can go first. Ask away.”

“I’m just really confused about why you would go and do something so generous for a perfect stranger – without expecting something in return,” she said openly, looking at him as she plucked a packet of sugar from the caddy and tore it open. “I keep waiting for you to whip out a knife, threaten me, make some advances, or…”

“Or treat you like you are a person?” he volunteered, smiling softly. “A friend?”

“You don’t know me.”

“You keep saying that – but maybe we should get to know each other.”


“Why not?” he shrugged and smiled at the waitress as she returned with the first of many plates, setting them down. “Let me apologize now, because I have atrocious table manners when I’m hungry and the slop they feed us in Afghanistan is barely edible…”

He grabbed a little plastic container of butter and a packet of sugar, dumping both on his bowl of grits – and looked up to see her surprised reaction.


“You live in Afghanistan?”

“I’m stationed there,” he corrected easily. “I’m a pilot in the Air Force.”

“Oh wow…” she breathed - and Killian had to fight the urge to puff up his chest like some overgrown rooster.

Gosh, he liked the way she looked at him sometimes.