Page 55 of Forever Fated

“I knew it,” he muttered triumphantly, before chuckling in delight as they laughed together, and he rolled her to face him. Her fingers reached up to smooth down a piece of hair that was standing straight on end, as he turned slightly, kissing her wrist.

“I love these moments with you,” he breathed against her skin.

“Do you think that we’ll be lucky enough to have a baby of our own?” she asked softly. “I keep waiting for something to go wrong, because this feels so perfect.”

“I know,” he said tenderly. “But please don’t let that hold back your happiness when you are with me. I want to feel everything from you – your laughter, your joy, your love… all of it. If it takes years to make a baby together, then I am determined to make sure we enjoy every step of the way and practice as often as possible.”

She reached behind her and turned on the lamp beside the bed, causing them both to flinch at the light.

“Are you teasing me?”

“Sorta,” he grinned – and looked downwards, winking at her playfully. “But do leave the light on, Beautiful – and come kiss your poor exhausted husband who might need liniment rubbed on his back tomorrow.”

Destiny laughed easily and went into his arms.



Killian awokethe next morning and silently slipped out of bed, checking his watch and trying to keep from laughing. It was nearly ten in the morning and his bride had a way of making him sleep in unexpectedly. He was normally an early riser, getting up at four or five o’clock… but when he was at home? He thrived on snuggling with Destiny.

The concert started at seven tonight and he wanted to take advantage of every moment with her, to see the excitement, delight, and joy that life had to offer… because he felt alive for the first time in forever, because of her.

Starting the coffee, he couldn’t help but look around the house at some of the changes… and smiled. There were twelve limp roses stuck in wrinkly potatoes on the window ledge and his heart clenched. He was going to send her flowers more often and make sure that she always had something pretty to look at. She was trying to force the roses to root, and his mother used to try that same trick.

His bride wanted flowers in the yard.

Walking back towards the bedroom, he kissed her gently on the forehead, brushing back her hair.

“Sleep sweetheart,” he whispered. “I’m going to get some donuts for us and will be back in a few.”

“I’ll come…” she mumbled.

“I’d rather you stayed in bed and rested for later tonight.”

“More Sprinkles?” she smiled sleepily, giving him a very satisfied look.

“I was talking about the concert,” he chuckled, kissing her once more, “but yeah, a lot more of me later.”

“Love you, Killian,” she whispered, snuggling down into the covers as he whispered ‘I love you’ in return – and headed out.

* * *

Two hours later,he was covered in sweat and working in the front yard with a shovel, digging up the flower beds… only to hear the front door open. Destiny walked out in that terry cloth robe, barefoot, and looked at him grumpily.

“What are you doing?”

“Get back inside before someone sees you or you step on something,” he ordered playfully, laughing. “The donuts are on the counter and the coffee is ready, my love.”

“But what are you doing?”



He sighed in exaggeration, propping his arm on the shovel and looking at her as he wiped his forehead. Gosh, she looked beautiful standing there, and he could mentally picture her doing the same thing thirty years from now, looking just as lovely.

“I’m trying to surprise you,” he admitted, and then grimaced. “Your car shifts awful. Has it always been like that?”