Page 52 of Forever Fated

“I’m serving the person I care about and admire the most,” she said simply, feeling all eyes on her like she’d made a mistake… only to hear a loud scrape of a metal spoon on a ceramic bowl, followed by an audible plop that sent mashed potatoes splashing on several plates – and Caleb cracking up laughing.

“Uh oh, Josheweaaa. Ewe made a mess!”

Paradox had indeed plopped a massive spoonful onto Mallory’s plate in reaction to her statement, staring at the other end of the table with one eyebrow arched in a silent challenge.

Alex did the same almost seconds later, dumping a large serving on Everly’s plate of stuffing. Killian banged a spoon of corn pudding onto her plate without asking, looking deliberately at his parents with a subtlety that was not missed.

“If my wife and I want to tend or care for each other,” Killian began quietly. “What does it matter to anyone else?”

“I didn’t mean it like that…”

“I know, but it came across that way, and no one is going to make my bride ever feel like she’s made a mistake in giving me a precious moment of her time.”

“Killian,” Destiny urged softly. “It’s fine. Every family is different, and I didn’t know…”

“You didn’t do anything wrong,” Everly said firmly – both her and her brother’s faces were unreadable.

“Killian, please…” Destiny began again – and this time laid her hand on his knee, under the table. “Let’s just enjoy the holiday with family.”

“Youare my family,” he said softly, turning to her. “And every man at this table understands what I am talking about. You are first in my world, always and forever. You are my partner, my friend, my spouse… and someday the mother to my children. If you want things done a certain way, then it will be that way – and that’s all there is to it. Nobody will ever tell you that you are wrong when you are with me.”

“Killian,” his mother began.

“This is Everly’s home. This is my wife,” Killian began proudly, holding Destiny’s hand under the table and lacing his fingers with hers.

“You have your husband and sold your home. There are going to be some changes when you do something so drastic as moving away and your children grow up. I don’t mean it to be cruel or hateful, but life is different now, Mom. We are both very happy in our lives. I’m not twelve, eighteen, or twenty-three anymore. I’m thirty-two and married,” Killian paused and looked at her, his eyes warm and full of emotion.

“… And I love my wife dearly,” he breathed, not looking away from her as her heart clenched in her chest in understanding and realization of what he was telling her and everyone there. “I love that she makes me feel like I’m important, that I make a difference to her, and I need her to know she is all that matters to me in this world.”

She leaned forward to kiss him, needing this closeness between them. It was a sweet tender kiss on his lips, before moving to whisper in his ear softly.

“I love you too, Sprinkles…” and felt him chuckle softly as he brushed his cheek against hers, before leaning back towards her seat.

“I don’t deserve you,” he smiled. “Do you want some turkey, hon?”

“I married my turkey,” she smiled, teasing him, to keep from crying at the beautiful, ardent love shining from his eyes… and hearing several of them laugh around the table as the mood was lifted.

Jill leaned towards Destiny, smiling at her.

“I’m glad he has you in his life. My son’s smile has been long since absent before we ever left and it’s nice to see it back… for both of you – and you are right. These are your lives, and you lead them how you see fit.”

“Just because it’s not what someone else deems normal, doesn’t mean it’s wrong. For example, we are going to a rock concert together and plan on acting like I’m twenty-one again, singing, dancing, and having a beer,” Killian joked. “I would rather define my own life than live by someone else’s rules – and knew it the moment Destiny smiled at me.”

Everly was fanning herself, trying to keep from crying as Alex laughed softly, kissing her on the cheek.

“Ebberleee no cry?”

“It’s happy tears, Caleb.”

“I like that,” Mallory said softly, looking at them… but holding Paradox’s hand openly on the table between their plates. “I would rather define my own life than live by someone else’s rules.”

“You can’t break any rules if you choose to ignore them all and throw caution to the wind,” Paradox said quietly, his eyes watching Mallory… only to turn stonily towards Nana, who was sitting there smiling at him.

“Not interested, old woman.”

“Nana…” Alex muttered, rolling his eyes. “Sorry, Paradox.”

“What’s wrong?” Megan asked, and saw Everly was laughing behind a napkin.