Page 41 of Forever Fated

“Hush…” Killian said as the other men laughed – including Reaper.

“I get it,” Reaper volunteered. “Sophie and I were married almost a month before we had a reception with all of our friends, renewing our vows. I love that woman and just wanted to keep her all to myself, to keep the world from hurting her sensitive heart.”

“And she’s married…to you?”

“Watch it, Sparky…” Reaper said softly – and the man pretended to zip his lips, tossing the ‘key’ over his shoulder, before giving him a thumbs up.

Reaper walked over and extended his hand to Killian. He stood, shook his squadron leader’s hand – who immediately pulled him into a hug. Everyone’s eyes widened in shock at the show of affection from the cool man as he heard Reaper whisper to him.

“Sophie would love to meet her – when she’s ready. Say the word if your wife needs anything in Yonder.”

“Thank you.”

“Of course,” Reaper said. “We take care of our own – and always will.”

“Man, I’ve got to find me a girl,” Riptide muttered under his breath.

“I’ll have Glory start looking… Anyone else?”

“Not me,” Sparky grinned. “Giselle would have my hide.”

“Giselle? Isn’t that a stripper’s name?” Paradox muttered – and Sparky frowned deeply at the other man.

“Paradox? Do you want to be fixed up with someone, too?”

The other man suddenly glanced up and looked distinctly bothered, shooting to his feet and walking out of the room without a word.

“I’ll take that as a ‘No’,” Reaper grinned. “Just Riptide, eh?”

“Maybe not,” the man hesitated, looking after Paradox. “I’m not comfortable withhisreaction – or the idea of a blind date.”

“Siccing Glory on you is like letting loose the dogs of war.”

“I’ll pass,” Riptide muttered, getting up and leaving as well.

“I hope he knows I’m still going to say something to Glory,” Reaper chuckled and turned to Killian. “Congratulations again, Ricochet. Maybe I can meet your bride next time that I am home visiting mine.”

“Sounds good.”

Reaper turned to leave the communications room and looked back at him.

“Ignore the single guys and take it from a very happily married one – get whatever piece of lingerie floats your boat, because she’ll be thrilled that you are thinking of her like that… and have some fun, my friend.”

The squadron leader walked out of the room, chuckling and shaking his head.

* * *

Maestro came backa few days later, pulling Killian aside as soon as he spotted him.

“Hey Ricochet, I wanted to talk to you…”

“Brother,” Killian said simply, shaking Maestro’s hand and pulling him into a hug like Reaper had done for him… only to see a large grin explode on the other guy’s face.

“Everly is a force of nature – and I love her.”

“I know – and I’m glad. I just want my baby sister to be happy.”

“We’re both ecstatic and haven’t stopped smiling for days now.”