Page 38 of Forever Fated

You, sweet knight, have married a very simple girl…

If you want to go somewhere, we can – but – I am happiest here just being with you and I don’t need to travel unless it’s something important to you. Maybe we save our traveling for when we have little ones? We could drag them to Disney, listen to them cry because they are exhausted, or peel sticky fingers off of us, while wearing Mickey ears.

That actually sounds like paradise.

I was looking at November 20th, near Thanksgiving. It’s actually a two-day music festival and there are more than five bands (I was wrong) – and we could celebrate together… if it’s not too short of notice.

I am missing you, too – and think of your smile and lovely eyes often…

Fondly yours,


* * *

It was nearlythree days before she heard from Killian – and it was in an unexpected fashion. She was at work and getting ready to leave when her cell phone rang. Yanking it out, she hurried out into the night air, making a beeline for her car as she spoke.


“Hey Beautiful…”

“Killian!” she said excitedly, jumping into her car and locking the doors quickly behind her. “You called? Oh my goodness, it’s so good to hear your voice…”

“Does that mean you might miss me?” He sounded so happy, so overjoyed to hear her reaction and realized that it was both of them, putting themselves out there with no guards, no shields, and hiding nothing from the other one.

“I miss you so much,” she said openly. “Where’s my big strong knight in shining armor?”

“It’s tinfoil, my precious one,” He laughed easily. “Can I just say that I adore the way we are talking and turning towards each other. This is more wonderful than any of my wildest dreams – and to think that someday I will get to kiss and hold you close again? It’s more than I ever bargained for, and I would marry you again in a heartbeat, Destiny.”

“Oh mercy, Sprinkles… you are going to make me all teary-eyed,” she whispered thickly, fanning herself and reaching for a napkin from the center console of her car.

“I can’t wait to come home to you,” he murmured tenderly. “And unfortunately, I’m using a calling card, so I only have ten minutes total, but I had to hear your voice.”

“I’m so glad you called.”

“Do you still wear my t-shirt?”

“Every night,” she admitted softly. “I decided that I like sleeping in it much better than wearing it.”

“Sleeping in my shirt… and what else?” he asked, his voice taking on a huskiness that made her stomach clench in understanding of what he was asking or hinting at.

“Guess you’ll have to see… won’t you?” she teased – and treasured his intimate laugh that promised so much more.

“I guess so,” he said warmly and before she could get embarrassed or nervous about the implications of their sudden change in discussion; he changed the subject on her. “Did your other package arrive? Sometimes it takes a while for stuff to arrive from here.”

“You mailed me a package?” she asked, stunned.

“It’s just a little something.”

“Speaking of – can I ask a question?”

“Sure, you’ve got about two minutes left on my calling card…”

“There was a velvet box in the wooden jewelry box on the dresser. I thought maybe you had a watch in there, or that it was yours – and I confess, I was snooping – but inside the box was tiny opal earrings and…?” the words rushed out of her and hung between them for a brief second.

“Do you like them?” he asked tenderly – and she swallowed, realizing he’d left them there for her to find. “They are for you.”

“I love them.”