Page 37 of Forever Fated


Destiny heardthe doorbell ring and got up to check it. Sure enough, there was a box on her front porch and a blue Amazon truck was driving off in the distance. Curious, she picked it up and doublechecked the address – only to see her name on there.

“Weird,” she muttered, bringing it inside and putting it on the kitchen counter, before digging out a knife from the drawer to cut the tape. She didn’t order anything from Amazon – nor was she expecting any deliveries. Opening the package, she saw that there was a gauzy, decorative drawstring bag inside – along with a gift receipt.

“Killian…” she breathed aloud in sudden understanding. “What did you do?”

Her hands trembled as she picked up the card.

Flowers for my sweet little bunny rabbit…



Stunned, she pulled the bag from the box and opened it – only to hesitate. Inside was a box with a clear teapot… not flowers. Hesitating, she glanced at the card again, then at the gift receipt, before looking at the box and nearly dropping it in sudden comprehension.

The tea bagsblossomedwith hot water!

“What?!” she marveled, chuckling in sheer delight, immediately turning on the burner to the stove where her kettle sat. While the water heated, she removed the glass teapot – and a silver pouch, tearing it open. Inside was a orb about the size of a large gumball. She dropped it down in the teapot as the instructions described – and filled the pot with hot water.

… And there, before her eyes, the sphere began to open, blossoming and filling the bottom of the teapot with a massive flower.

“Killian… you are incredible,” she whispered to the teapot, wishing he could see just how surprised and touched she was at this gesture.

Destiny was actually wearing his concert shirt again as she did some cleaning around the house and planned on tackling mowing the lawn shortly.

She had taken the roses Killian had left her and found a website online that told you how to start growing them, forcing them to root, by sticking the trimmed stalks in potatoes. Instead of her roses staying in the vase? They were all lined up along a window ledge, shoved in potatoes, in the hopes that maybe one or two would make it… if they all made it to root, she would happily dig twelve holes!

Sitting down at the computer, she quickly emailed him to say ‘Thank you’ for the tea pot… and saw he had written.

* * *

Hey Beautiful,

I was just thinking, do you have any hobbies or things that you enjoy? What do you like to do for fun?

Do you think that maybe one of these trips back home, that I could take you flying? Would you like to visit another town? Do you want to go to the beach? Can I take you to see the St. Louis Arch, or perhaps Bourbon Street, or Gulf Shores? Or we can think bigger, much bigger!

Do you have a passport? I could fly you to Paris and meet you there. We could take a honeymoon together and go anywhere in the world.

I dreamed that I was holding you in my arms last night under the stars – and I would like to do that again.

Missing you so much right now…


* * *

Hey Sprinkles,

You – Are – Something!

I just got the ‘flowers’ you sent me, and I am so touched. I mean, like really amazed at how sweet you are because I can honestly say that this, us, is more than anything I could have ever hoped for when I mentioned that crazy wish.

We’re going to be okay – aren’t we?

Hobbies that I have? Umm… well, maintaining the house? I mean, during my free time I usually get caught up on housework, work in the yard, or do a maintenance project that I’ve been looking at tackling. Like I currently have birdhouse gourds growing on an old clothesline in the backyard because I want to dry them out and let birds use them.